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50 mps going to vote no to article 50

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My MP was selected by the labour party and he won't stop being my MP until he decides he no longer wants the job, my vote can't be used wisely. It would be nice to see if the loyal labour voters continue to select him if he ignores their decision to leave the EU.


Dont vote for him,or her

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Did you express your opinion to your MP?

Did you follow up to find out why your MP voted the way they did?


No, I didn't think so.


If you ask your MP to vote one way and they don't there should be a transparent reason why they didn't - contrary to opinion on here - we do not delegate choice into their hands - we ask them to represent us.


This is why many MPs will vote against the Article 50 proposal - after all, nearly 50% should, shouldn't they?


Or perhaps more...


---------- Post added 16-11-2016 at 22:14 ----------



No we don't - we elect them to represent our views in Parliament.


Man, it must be awesome to have that much time on your hands. How often do you contact your MP? How many issues did they help vote through something you wanted? Or didn't want? Or they didn't do anything at all? Do you think you've changed their mind on the issues you've brought to them?

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Man, it must be awesome to have that much time on your hands. How often do you contact your MP? How many issues did they help vote through something you wanted? Or didn't want? Or they didn't do anything at all? Do you think you've changed their mind on the issues you've brought to them?


This is why democracy doesn't work in the UK today.


The "I won't bother expressing my opinion because it doesn't count" mentality.


I contact my MP whenever I feel I need to express my constitutional right.


Yes, it is probably only 5 times a year - but if I don't express my opinion to the one person who can represent me in parliament, then I shouldn't have a right to WHINGE about things when they don't go my way.


More people with your mentality and we might as well be in a dictatorship!!


Oh, and its not about having time on my hands - its about making time for the things that matter.

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This is why democracy doesn't work in the UK today.


The "I won't bother expressing my opinion because it doesn't count" mentality.


I contact my MP whenever I feel I need to express my constitutional right.


Yes, it is probably only 5 times a year - but if I don't express my opinion to the one person who can represent me in parliament, then I shouldn't have a right to WHINGE about things when they don't go my way.


More people with your mentality and we might as well be in a dictatorship!!


Oh, and its not about having time on my hands - its about making time for the things that matter.


I'll whinge how often I like bucko. That's still my right.

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This is why democracy doesn't work in the UK today.


The "I won't bother expressing my opinion because it doesn't count" mentality.


I contact my MP whenever I feel I need to express my constitutional right.


Yes, it is probably only 5 times a year - but if I don't express my opinion to the one person who can represent me in parliament, then I shouldn't have a right to WHINGE about things when they don't go my way.


More people with your mentality and we might as well be in a dictatorship!!


Oh, and its not about having time on my hands - its about making time for the things that matter.


we have just had proof how the power of the people can work, I thought it was a waste of time voting never less i did and was gob smacked when i got up on 24th June

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I'm feeling pretty much the same and I'm a remainer. All we are doing is ripping our own country apart. Vote was held, lies were told on both sides, result was to leave, so let's please just quickly agree what that means in practice and bloody do it! This uncertainty is the real cause of the current problem financially, once we know what the future will look like businesses and people can start working how to make the best of it, until then everyone is guessing and speculating.


Absolutely. I'm sick of hearing of MPs blocking this, Sturgeon blocking that, the courts stopping this, the EU stopping that.

I wasn't that interested before, and I've lost all interest I did have now.


Stay or leave - get it over and done with!

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Absolutely. I'm sick of hearing of MPs blocking this, Sturgeon blocking that, the courts stopping this, the EU stopping that.

I wasn't that interested before, and I've lost all interest I did have now.


Stay or leave - get it over and done with!


Once the process is triggered it takes two years to complete it.


There is no point in triggering the process unless there is a viable plan.


Court cases are a sideshow. They in no way prevent the process of planning.


May has said it will be 4 more months before the process is triggered.


Be patient.

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If you ask your MP to vote one way and they don't there should be a transparent reason why they didn't - contrary to opinion on here - we do not delegate choice into their hands - we ask them to represent us.



Your MP doesn't just represent one person though, they represent everyone in their constituency,the majority of whom may not actually have voted for him.


Even though he might not have been a particularly pleasant person, I'm with Burke on this. They use their skill and judgement to make the best decision for everyone.

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If the EU referendum had been held pre internet and 24 hour news channels days, then there would have been none of the current nonsense and everyone would have accepted the democratic wishes of the people. The problem nowadays is there are too many people earning their living by speculating and mischief making instead of doing an honest day's work.


The sooner Article 50 is triggered the better. BREXIT negotiations will end like all EU issues end, where everything will be settled at the last minute after the decision makers have had enough of being wined and dined, at European taxpayers' expense and want to go to bed.

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If the EU referendum had been held pre internet and 24 hour news channels days, then there would have been none of the current nonsense and everyone would have accepted the democratic wishes of the people. The problem nowadays is there are too many people earning their living by speculating and mischief making instead of doing an honest day's work.


The sooner Article 50 is triggered the better. BREXIT negotiations will end like all EU issues end, where everything will be settled at the last minute after the decision makers have had enough of being wined and dined, at European taxpayers' expense and want to go to bed.


I quite agree in a way, if the origin Ref to take us into the EU had been carried out with today's internet media and free flow of information. We would probably never entered.

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