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50 mps going to vote no to article 50

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Quick question, were the votes broken down into individual constituencies?


If so then the MPs surely have to vote against, if their constituency voted to remain and so did they, otherwise they'll get voted out.


It's been done.

It amplifies the majority for leave quite substantially.



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And you don't think there will be any fallout from that? A load of working age Eastern Europeans replaced by sun dried pensioners with or without health problems?


For the hundredth time, the retirees who settled in Europe do not get the medical treatment paid for by the host country.

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I wasn't sure. Still though, if a council on the whole voted remain, I would still expect them to either vote against / or abstain if the party tells them to.


I think it's fine for the shires - Chesterfield MP is more or less Chesterfield borough council. It gets complex with cities. SCC for example is a bit more complex.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 13:24 ----------


For the hundredth time, the retirees who settled in Europe do not get the medical treatment paid for by the host country.


So what? They're here now. We can't just throw a cheque at Spain. They're gumming up hospital corridors now. And who is delivering my Amazon order? Dear old Ethel from torremolinos with the dodgy hip?

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And you don't think there will be any fallout from that? A load of working age Eastern Europeans replaced by sun dried pensioners with or without health problems?


I don't think it will happen so I'm not worried about it, but even if it did it would be better for the UK than for the rest of the EU.

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I think it's fine for the shires - Chesterfield MP is more or less Chesterfield borough council. It gets complex with cities. SCC for example is a bit more complex.


Yes, that's what I wondered. So basically looking at the link in unbel's post, the thread title is really a moot point. Won't make any difference.

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Yes, that's what I wondered. So basically looking at the link in unbel's post, the thread title is really a moot point. Won't make any difference.


It depends how the vote breaks down. If an MP "defies" his/her constituents, will it change their votes. Not all presumably.

Don't forget also that under FPTP, an MP can get elected with 40% of the vote, now suppose that the 55% of leave voters in his/her constituency weren't likely to vote for them anyway.


I think the pressure to respect the spirit of the vote, and the fear of their electors turning against then is strong enough to push through something close to a full Brexit. But we shall have to see.

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