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50 mps going to vote no to article 50

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We can't just rock up to Brussels and say goodbye and that's it. It's going to be way more complex than that. If it was such a piece of ****, wouldn't Cameron have come back with more than he got - and that's when we were paying them!


Apparently that seems to be what people think. Look at the impact already and we havent even left.


I cant see why people dont realise its in our interest to get the best deal and to make sure it has as little disruption as possible. Common sense, but then this is Sheffield forum.

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The most arrogant people are the Brexiteers who put their words into the mouths of the electorate (as to what Brexit they actually voted for)......


Brexiters are happy for May to get on with the task of leaving the EU, its the remoaners that can't accept the will of the people and think we were all too stupid to understand what we voted for.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 14:25 ----------


I'm not voting for an MP who supports ejecting law-abiding Europeans from the country, even in retaliation for Britons being eject from the mainland. That's just not what decent people do. It's not the Uk resident Europeans' fault if their governments decide to throw their toys out of the pram.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 13:33 ----------



They were told what they were voting for by BOTH campaigns.

This kind of [expletive deleted] is exactly how democracies fall. The arrogance and dishonestly of your case is absolutely staggering.


In the very unlikely situation that the EU send all British nationals back to the UK, how would you accommodate them when we already have an housing shortage, unless e free up some housing by reciprocating?

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Brexiters are happy for May to get on with the task of leaving the EU, its the remoaners that can't accept the will of the people and think we were all too stupid to understand what we voted for.


May is using delaying tactics, she could have done it already.

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The possibility of a soft brexit was always there, hence the numerous discussions about the Norwegian and Swiss models.


It would seem quite stupid of the UK doesnt decide what sort of interaction it wants with the EU upon leaving. Its still our most important trade partner and many jobs depend upon it. If you wnat to rule that out and just ignore the single market, then that will affect ,any businesses negatively and that will have knock on effects for the economy.


Its for the government to sort out exacly what brexit means becayse brexit means brexit is a pretty meaningless phrase.


I accept that those wanting to remain were asking about brexit, would it be the Norway modal or the Swiss model, you were given answers and those models were rejected, the model that was on the table was leave the EU and single market but retain as much access as was possible whilst ending the free movement of people.

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I accept that those wanting to remain were asking about brexit, would it be the Norway modal or the Swiss model, you were given answers and those models were rejected, the model that was on the table was leave the EU and single market but retain as much access as was possible whilst ending the free movement of people.


What? When? That wasn't on my ballot paper.

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May is using delaying tactics, she could have done it already.


But if she had it would then have been overturned.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 14:35 ----------


What? When? That wasn't on my ballot paper.


It wasn't on any ballot paper as it was a simple binary question of stay or leave.

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Again you are making it up.


Im pointing out the referendum was only on a single question and the government (whether you like it or not) gets to deide the terms of exit. That is what you have negotiations for.


Sorry its not ood enough for you, but that is the reality of the situation. No idea why you should have such a hard time with that and just let the government get on with it. Brexit means Brexit ofc.

At election time we are asked a simple question, who do your want as your MP. The choice you make is usually based on their election manifesto and the electorate rightly expects that manifesto to be implemented.


The EU referendum was indeed a singe question but it was based on an in and out campaign, both of which agreed that a vote to leave meant leaving the single market, taking back full control of our laws and money, and ending the free movement of people.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 14:39 ----------


Apparently that seems to be what people think. Look at the impact already and we havent even left.


I cant see why people dont realise its in our interest to get the best deal and to make sure it has as little disruption as possible. Common sense, but then this is Sheffield forum.


We do realise this and it is the reason we don't want people like you trying to impose the deal you want. Its not in the UK's best interest to leave on the remoaners terms.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 14:41 ----------


May is using delaying tactics, she could have done it already.


There is a little niggle at the back of my mind that she is on this remoaner campaign to alt our brexit.


---------- Post added 12-11-2016 at 14:44 ----------


What? When? That wasn't on my ballot paper.


Lets say you vote labour at the next election based on their promise they are going to increase the minimum wage to £12 an hour, how would you feel if after they are elected they cut your wage to £5 an hour?

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