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Anybody seen 'I Daniel Blake?'

Anna B

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I was just wondering if many people have seen Ken Loach's latest film, 'I, Daniel Blake'


What a brilliant film. It has won this year's Palm d'Or at Cannes film Festival, yet we had quite a job tracking it down as it is only on limited release. We finally got to see it at the Showroom Cinema.


IMO everyone should make a point of seeing it. Very moving and most of all informative about the farce that is our current benefit system. Also plenty of wry Northern humour.

I suspect, however, it was preaching to the converted as those hard line right wingers will never go to see it in a million years, although they are the ones who need to see it most.


A notice board has been set up with post-it notes available for people to write their comments, and there were so many there was hardly a space left.


The comments alone, were so telling and should be read...


Please go and see it.

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I was just wondering if many people have seen Ken Loach's latest film, 'I, Daniel Blake'


What a brilliant film. It has won this year's Palm d'Or at Cannes film Festival, yet we had quite a job tracking it down as it is only on limited release. We finally got to see it at the Showroom Cinema.


IMO everyone should make a point of seeing it. Very moving and most of all informative about the farce that is our current benefit system. Also plenty of wry Northern humour.

I suspect, however, it was preaching to the converted as those hard line right wingers will never go to see it in a million years, although they are the ones who need to see it most.


A notice board has been set up with post-it notes available for people to write their comments, and there were so many there was hardly a space left.


The comments were so telling and should be read...


Please go and see it.


Sadly the demonisation of benefit recipients is stronger now than ever and so even if the right wingers did go to see it, they wouldn't get it.


I'd give it an 8. So well made, casted and acted. The scene in the food bank had people gasping and sobbing when I went...and there was a spontaneous round of applause at the end.

Edited by Detetcive
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I don't see why some of our big multiscreen places aren't showing this.


They probably dont see any commercial incentive for showing it.


I dont put down the welll made, well acted and the message within IDB but, is it a populist money making movie OR is it realistically just propaganda against the Government and their current actions towards benefits claimants.


Harsh as it sounds, I can see why this movie is only shown in selected cinemas.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I am waiting to see it at our local independent cinema in Wirksworth, Derbyshire. Holding only 56, it's a great venue for group talks about films in general, so I am eager to see it there instead of a large complex like Cineworld.


See it at The Showroom ... details and trailer, here;




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They probably dont see any commercial incentive for showing it.


I dont put down the welll made, well acted and the message within IDB but, is it a populist money making movie OR is it realistically just propaganda against the Government and their current actions towards benefits claimants.


Harsh as it sounds, I can see why this movie is only shown in selected cinemas.


I know what you mean which is why I hope they show it on the telly.


Incidently, a serious question regarding propaganda status, if something is telling the truth, and many will testify that this is, is it propaganda?

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I know what you mean which is why I hope they show it on the telly.


Incidently, a serious question regarding propaganda status, if something is telling the truth, and many will testify that this is, is it propaganda?


It will end up on channel 4 by the middle of next year - I'd be surprised if they hadn't funded it in some way - they fund a lot of British films.


I have watched the trailer on IMDb. Whilst I agree that it's a film that needs making on of the things to come out of the trailer I saw was that this poor carpenter down on his luck couldn't operate a PC. Really? Really and truly? It's stuff like that, trying so hard to labour a point, that puts me off handing over my hard earned.

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