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Anybody seen 'I Daniel Blake?'

Anna B

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I know what you mean which is why I hope they show it on the telly.


Incidently, a serious question regarding propaganda status, if something is telling the truth, and many will testify that this is, is it propaganda?


Yes of course it is.


It may well be based upon many truths and many agreed failures in the system but the fact remains it is still a work of written fiction by a writer with a clear and defined agenda.


Its filled with artistic interpretation, exaggeration and a modified dialogue of events in order to condense someone's entire life period into a 90 minute movie.


I repeat again, I am not denying any truth to the subject, but the fact is ANY dramatisation of events will be subject to enhancement, poetic licence and editorial.


Its a movie not a documentary. It doesnt have any balanced viewpoint. It doesnt have any right of reply from the opposing side.


What else would you call it other than propaganda.


Propaganda = information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.


Ken Loach has hardly been quiet in his views on the government nor the welfare system. Its also absolutely clear where his political leanings are.


When that famous 1997 epic was released nobody was denying that the Titanic sinking wasn't a real life event but it doesnt mean that the rest of the 3 hour borefest was absolutely 100% true and accurate facts.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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It will end up on channel 4 by the middle of next year - I'd be surprised if they hadn't funded it in some way - they fund a lot of British films.


I have watched the trailer on IMDb. Whilst I agree that it's a film that needs making on of the things to come out of the trailer I saw was that this poor carpenter down on his luck couldn't operate a PC. Really? Really and truly? It's stuff like that, trying so hard to labour a point, that puts me off handing over my hard earned.


Yes, really and truly.


I don't know how old you are, Tfh, but I know quite a lot of people over 50 who have no time for computers, and go out of their way to avoid them.

They are too old to have experienced them at school, and if they've spent a lifetime in an occupation that didn't use them, then they will have had very little experience of them, unless they have made a point of learning how. (Ever seen a person from this group trying to type at 1 letter a minute?) Tellingly they tend not to have children to help them. A lot are afraid of them even in this day and age. If they simply have to use them for something they will get someone else to do it for them. You'd be surprised.

According to government figures 11% of adults have never used the internet, and nearly double that have not used the internet for more than 3 months.


Also computers and broadband can be relatively expensive for the low waged/unemployed, and computers in libraries (those that are still open...) are frequently out of use or faulty. Not sure about job centres, but I imagine they're probably the same.


I'm pretty rubbish on computers myself and can only do fairly basic stuff. If anything goes wrong I'm stuck. I spend quite a lot of time swearing at it. I don't own a smart phone, and I frequently forget my mobile when I go out, and if I do remember, it's probably not charged up anyway.


My Dad on the other hand is a whiz on the computer. He didn't get one until 2010, and now uses it every day and he loves it. But he's in his 90s... Takes all sorts.

Edited by Anna B
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I know what you mean which is why I hope they show it on the telly.


Incidently, a serious question regarding propaganda status, if something is telling the truth, and many will testify that this is, is it propaganda?


Ken Loach makes no secret of his Hard Left views so it's not really that difficult to imagine the message that the film will promote. He's never going to approach it impartially is he?

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Please let us know what you think of it.


I watched it at the Showroom today. I'm glad it was made, as it shows the very worst scenarios of the current benefits system. The sheer desperation of the young mother living in a strange place, and the cruel stripping away of Daniel Blakes self respect were realistic. The attempt to help by one of the job centre staff was also realistic. The general blind adherence to 'the rules' with no consideration for individual circumstances resulted in gross unfairness. The sheer lack of sensitivity and understanding by frontline public servants was chilling. Allowances must be made for people who've always worked and contributed, and for those lacking IT skills.


I found myself wanting to shout 'go to an advice centre!', as I felt in real life he'd have been given that advice. The last scene suggested that's what happened eventually, but it was too little too late.


Because of the lack of advice, I felt it was one sided, as we all know there are people who claim benefits without any of the issues the film highlighted. But of course it wasn't made to show what happens to the majority, but to expose just how things can go so badly against individuals through no fault of their own.

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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Yes, really and truly.


I don't know how old you are, Tfh, but I know quite a lot of people over 50 who have no time for computers, and go out of their way to avoid them.

They are too old to have experienced them at school, and if they've spent a lifetime in an occupation that didn't use them, then they will have had very little experience of them, unless they have made a point of learning how. (Ever seen a person from this group trying to type at 1 letter a minute?) Tellingly they tend not to have children to help them. A lot are afraid of them even in this day and age. If they simply have to use them for something they will get someone else to do it for them. You'd be surprised.

According to government figures 11% of adults have never used the internet, and nearly double that have not used the internet for more than 3 months.


Also computers and broadband can be relatively expensive for the low waged/unemployed, and computers in libraries (those that are still open...) are frequently out of use or faulty. Not sure about job centres, but I imagine they're probably the same.


I'm pretty rubbish on computers myself and can only do fairly basic stuff. If anything goes wrong I'm stuck. I spend quite a lot of time swearing at it. I don't own a smart phone, and I frequently forget my mobile when I go out, and if I do remember, it's probably not charged up anyway.


My Dad on the other hand is a whiz on the computer. He didn't get one until 2010, and now uses it every day and he loves it. But he's in his 90s... Takes all sorts.


But those jobs are rarer and rarer and a carpenter is still a skilled job - we aren't talking a zero hours sports direct deal here. Loach may well have created a job where he isn't well paid, gets his insurance over the phone and doesn't go holiday, have Sky etc etc. Fair enough, it's his film and I do not doubt that you can get hammered by the jobcentre and the bleakness is a fair reflection, certainly for the young lass in the trailer. But the main protagonist seems contrived!


I'll watch it on the telly - I'm sure it will still be relevant.

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I was just wondering if many people have seen Ken Loach's latest film, 'I, Daniel Blake'


What a brilliant film. It has won this year's Palm d'Or at Cannes film Festival, yet we had quite a job tracking it down as it is only on limited release. We finally got to see it at the Showroom Cinema.


IMO everyone should make a point of seeing it. Very moving and most of all informative about the farce that is our current benefit system. Also plenty of wry Northern humour.

I suspect, however, it was preaching to the converted as those hard line right wingers will never go to see it in a million years, although they are the ones who need to see it most.


A notice board has been set up with post-it notes available for people to write their comments, and there were so many there was hardly a space left.


The comments alone, were so telling and should be read...


Please go and see it.


I don't go to cinemas Anna. If it's on TV I'll watch it.


I saw Ken Loach on QT the other week and didn't particularly warm to him, so that might influence my viewing now too.

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Yes of course it is.


It may well be based upon many truths and many agreed failures in the system but the fact remains it is still a work of written fiction by a writer with a clear and defined agenda.


Its filled with artistic interpretation, exaggeration and a modified dialogue of events in order to condense someone's entire life period into a 90 minute movie.


I repeat again, I am not denying any truth to the subject, but the fact is ANY dramatisation of events will be subject to enhancement, poetic licence and editorial.


Its a movie not a documentary. It doesnt have any balanced viewpoint. It doesnt have any right of reply from the opposing side.


What else would you call it other than propaganda.


Propaganda = information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.


Ken Loach has hardly been quiet in his views on the government nor the welfare system. Its also absolutely clear where his political leanings are.


When that famous 1997 epic was released nobody was denying that the Titanic sinking wasn't a real life event but it doesnt mean that the rest of the 3 hour borefest was absolutely 100% true and accurate facts.


Fair enough. I asked a question, you answered it. Thankyou.


---------- Post added 15-11-2016 at 00:35 ----------


I don't go to cinemas Anna. If it's on TV I'll watch it.


I saw Ken Loach on QT the other week and didn't particularly warm to him, so that might influence my viewing now too.


I also saw him on QT and he's done quite a few other interviews too. I agree he doesn't come across as particularly warm, but I believe he is a man of genuine conviction. He makes important films that get a message across better than any other method IMO.


Just as 'Cathy Come Home' did 50 years ago, I hope this film goes some way to altering people's perceptions of the unemployed after years of very deliberate political vilification.


He is redressing the balance. But it's a pity it's being all but ignored by mainstream cinemas.

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I also saw him on QT and he's done quite a few other interviews too. I agree he doesn't come across as particularly warm, but I believe he is a man of genuine conviction. He makes important films that get a message across better than any other method IMO.


When I said I didn't 'warm to him' Anna, I actually meant I didn't like him... rather than him not coming across as warm... I perhaps should have said what I really thought. I find him cold :hihi:




In short, and jokes aside, I saw him, I listened to him, I didn't like him.

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I was just wondering if many people have seen Ken Loach's latest film, 'I, Daniel Blake'


What a brilliant film. It has won this year's Palm d'Or at Cannes film Festival, yet we had quite a job tracking it down as it is only on limited release. We finally got to see it at the Showroom Cinema.


IMO everyone should make a point of seeing it. Very moving and most of all informative about the farce that is our current benefit system. Also plenty of wry Northern humour.

I suspect, however, it was preaching to the converted as those hard line right wingers will never go to see it in a million years, although they are the ones who need to see it most.


A notice board has been set up with post-it notes available for people to write their comments, and there were so many there was hardly a space left.


The comments alone, were so telling and should be read...


Please go and see it.


Ive been trying to watch it but can't find it on kodi box

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