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Advice needed about evening venues in Sheffield (Night Blindness)


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This is my first post on SF, so I apologise if I've created this post in the wrong category, please feel free to move it elsewhere if needed to.


A little short introduction about me before I put out my request for advice - I'm 21, from Sheffield and suffer with a degenerative eye condition called Retinitis Pigmontosa. Within this, I suffer with short-sightedness, partial tunnel vision and night blindness.


At the current stage, my short-sightedness and tunnel vision isn't what I would class as being critical. However, my night blindness, is the real pain to deal with!


For those who haven't heard of Night Blindness, it's a condition whereby I struggle to see hardly much at all in low lit environments, but however, I can see perfectly fine during the day and within well lit areas.


As most of you can imagine, pubs, bars, cinema's, restaurants, night clubs, hotels many of which I generally struggle to see who's around me and what's around me when I walk inside. The thought of having to consider what the lighting of a venue will be like before I attend somewhere creates a huge level of anxiety within me, that I can't kick away!


Anyway, as a glitter of hope, I was just wondering if anyone at all could recommend any well lit venues that fall around the nightlife venues? I know many places tend to dim the lights down and such - I kinda just want to live and experience the same type of life that most people would experience at my age, instead of being too anxious to go out!


I have many funny stories to tell though as I tend to make a joke out of all the silly things i've done!


I've felt for some time now that I've been missing out on so much. I just don't have the confidence I want to have without becoming anxious about what I might trip over, walk into or struggle with in general.


I know it's a really bizzare topic to create on here, I'm not expecting many of you to reply, because it's an unusual post I guess?


Thanks guys! :)

- J

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Hey, RP is a horrible, nasty thing to have.

It gives you enough sight to let you know what you are missing. I'm sorry to hear you have it. Do you have relatives that also have it?

My mum and Auntie have it and they are very active and socialise a lot.

If you need help, advice, a human seeing eye dog, just let me know. I'm happy to come out with you and your friends so I can help them understand what you need when you do out.

Places don't always have to be well lit if you are with awesome friends who know how to look out for you.


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