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Whats Farage up to??

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Not odd at all. He is just milking the moment. Money couldn't buy the publicity the photograph with Donald Trump brought. That picture will go down in history and will become an iconic artwork, similar to the Tiananmen Square tank man.


In your dreams.

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I cant see what you are worried about.


1. We are bound to leave the EU as in ceasing to be a member.

2. Free movement of people will happen if we hard brexit and dont put something else in place. That is where the givernment comes in and what it decides to negotiate. Boris and david Davies are in charge of that and they are both hard brexiters. They have to decide if they are gloing to try any reciprocal immigration agreement. If they say no, then the EU will similarly say no for an UK citizens whishing to work in the EU, which is where both sides would lose.

3. Yes we will no longer be required to pay according to EU treaties, but we will if we decide we wish to be within the single market.

4. Our own law making ofc that will happen as we will no longer be in the EU.

5. Our own immigration policy, then yes as it will be part of 4, but depends on 2 and what is negotiated.


Personally i'm more bothered about the economy.

Lets see what the politicians come up with.


1. Not worried.

2. Who said anything about stopping EU citizens working here and vice versa.

3. The vote was leave the EU and single market.

4. As long as we are not half in and half out.

5. We don't need to negotiate our immigration policy, the government just need to come up with a policy that will achieve what the people want, lower net immigration that allows some workers in and keeps the riffraff out.


I'm also bothered about the economy and that is why the government should be ignoring to the remoaners.

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The problem is that plenty of people had different view or didnt want to discuss what brexit meant other than ceasing to be a member. Its the strategy of the UK govt to play it close to their chest as they wish to negotiate. All very secret. Not everyone who voted brexit wnated the same things and they were only polled on ceasing to be a member, not what would replace it. Brexit means brexit is a meaningless phrase invented by politicians to pretend they have a plan , when it seems they do not.

In 1975 we were asked 'Do you think that the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (the Common Market)?'

We could put an X in either the Yes or the No box and there was no option for voters to say what things they wanted or didn't want as a result of continued membership of the European Community.


Terms such as Soft BREXIT is a made up phrase by sore losers who don't want to accept the democratic wishes of the people.

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