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Solicitor recommendation for bank using customer details for fraud

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Hi Obelix


Thanks - I didn't know anything about the FCA - I feel as tho I have been struggling on my own for so long with this.


Will follow your link today and see how I go about things. My source from YB has already said that he is prepared to be witness to what was going on re the fraud ring.

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I think you're most unlikely to get a solicitor to accept instructions to take on any Bank or Financial services outfit - not even the corporate law firms will touch this sort of case. You've received some advice to take the money and run. Although £6K is only a fraction of the cost that you're due, the odds of your doing any better is most unlikely and in the equally unlikely event of getting a solicitor on side, I think they'll probably do a deal with the Bank and screw the hell of you. In your position, I'd quite while your ahead and change your bank if at all possible. Sorry to be so pessimistic but the plain truth is that you'll end up a cynical as hell and nothing to show for it.


Just seen that your source said they'd be prepared to give evidence etc which is all well and good, but as the old Yorkshire expression goes, there's nowt so queer as folks and there's plenty that can happen between cup and sip or however it goes.


First, last and only post I'm making on this simply because to say any more when it's cut and dried that you're most unlikely to make any further headway.

Edited by andco
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