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Linford Lions - Don Valley Stadium

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I took my children down to Don Valley on Saturday morning for the children's athletics club. My 10 year old has been wanting to go for ages because she loves running. I asked my 6 year old boy if he would like to go aswell and suprisingly he seamed quite excited. He's not into football at all and I'm always a little worried that he's missing out, because all the other boys his age at school all go to football training at least once a week. Anyway we arrived at 9.30am and the nice young lady on reception advised us where to go and informed us that the first time was free. After all the newcomers had completed our registration forms the children were taken out to the track. Parents are allowed to watch so I took a seat in the stand. To warm up they were told to run a lap of the track. My daughter set off with her usual determined confident attitude, my little boy who had been sauntering along at the back of the group was taken completely unawares and was left running at the back, some way behind the others. I immediately thought 'Oh no, he can't run that far' and 'He's so far behind he will give up and get upset'. How wrong can you be! He kept on running and eventually caught up with the others half way round the track and carried on running until he had completed his lap. His face was a picture beaming from ear to ear. Which I'm glad to say stopped there all morning. They did lots of warming up, running, long jump and javelin and had a lovely game of dodge ball to finish off. They both had a great time, burned off loads of energy and can't wait to go back next week. I thought other people might be interested in hearing about this club because apparently they had been thinking about cancelling it due to low numbers.:)

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First time on this forum, I just went on line to look for something to do with the Linford Lions. My child wanted to join an athletics club, but the ones I looked at he wasn't old enough, most are from age 8. When I enquired to this one I was pleased he is old enough (6), he not sure what sport he wants to do, so this sound perfect for him, a bit of everything. I have read Jocare's feedback, and it sounds brill. Will defianatly be taking him, he'll love it. :D

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