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When will the political right change/learn?

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The Conservatives are on the right, and so long as we have out of touch millionaires running the party; ordinary people will not be served well.


They seem to know nothing, about ordinary education, all schools cannot and should perform like private schools.


The NHS is a marvelous, value for money organisation, it does not need to be privateised.


Libertarian-ism is a far right ideology, and is just as barking as communism, it will not work, countrywide.


Privateising council services does nothing to improve them, council run services are often cheaper. Using PFIs does not help, the private contractors always have the upper hand.

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Weren't PFI's a Labour invention anyway??


Not really no. The first one was implemented by Major in 92 (which was initially attacked by the Labour Party)


It was Labour who then however massively increased their use (which was then attacked by the Conservative Party).

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The Conservatives are on the right, and so long as we have out of touch millionaires running the party; ordinary people will not be served well.


I'm an ordinary person. I don't feel I am being served badly by Government. In what way do you feel you are being hard done by?

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I'm an ordinary person. I don't feel I am being served badly by Government. In what way do you feel you are being hard done by?


Bringing back grammar schools, a backward step. Local authorities being undermined by having very little control over our schools.

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The Conservatives are on the right, and so long as we have out of touch millionaires running the party; ordinary people will not be served well.


They seem to know nothing, about ordinary education, all schools cannot and should perform like private schools.


The NHS is a marvelous, value for money organisation, it does not need to be privateised.


Libertarian-ism is a far right ideology, and is just as barking as communism, it will not work, countrywide.


Privateising council services does nothing to improve them, council run services are often cheaper. Using PFIs does not help, the private contractors always have the upper hand.


Mostly, I agree with you.


However, much as I think the NHS is a wonderful organisation, I don't think it is value for money. That does not mean I want to see it privatised - far from it - but I do think it needs reform. It could start by eliminating waste, employing proper trained staff instead of agency nurses, and charging health tourists the full cost of treatment. But this is probably for another thread.


Apart from that, spot on. The Tories are ruining this country for the majority and haven't even got a grip of the issues. So out of touch.

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Bringing back grammar schools, a backward step. Local authorities being undermined by having very little control over our schools.


Well whatever they are doing seems to be working. The UK education system has improved since 2010.


There are now 1.4 million more children in 'good' or 'outstanding' schools than in 2010. The number of schools rated good or outstanding has risen 16 percentage points since 2010 (to a record 84%).


Surely that is a good thing, even if you don't agree with the method of how they've achieved that?



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