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The House Of Lords, The Unelected Elite.

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You are making little sense and zero logic.


First of all, attendance allowances are not connected to the Peers being unelected, so reducing their number does not effect their place or their being Unelected. Second, not all members received £300 a day, some receive £150.


Now on to your other rantings. Life Peerages, these are the shortest of the peerages, not the ones to make an example of. I think you are confused, Life peerages are given to those who have served the country and end with the persons death. Heredity peerages are the real "Unelected Elites" by virtue of them being handed down to their next of kin, however, its a misconception that all of those with these titles are somehow elites, and its the short sighted, socialist worker wielding, green eyed monster that gets easily confused. Hears of a title, thinks "Downtown Abbey" or "You Rang Me'Lord" and starts to go into a socialist rage.


Seriously, if you are going to get all hot under the collar, you could at least do some research.


You really telling me that you want, Heredity peers and insider jobs for the boys appointed people having a say in your life. How many are there in the Lords now?

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