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Sheffield Speedway Tigers


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  • 2 months later...

I used to go but as I originally come from M/c and lived in Longsight I followed Belle Vue!


Anybody remember Clem Beckett. He was killed in the Spanish Civil War in 1937 fighting the fascists, What a character My Dad was out there and knew him well (Sam died in Sheffield but came from Manchester)




I've been working on a book so if anyone wants a screenplay get in touch


Mike Wild (age 65)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My dad used to take me to the speedway from about the age of 4 ( me, not my dad). I still have my wooll hat and scarf! :blush:



My favourite riders were Reg Wilson and Dougie Wyre, Anyone remember the night Reg wilson had that terrible accident? really mashed himself up on the side of the track, was in a wheelchair for along time after...he was a real hero of mine, still got black & white photo's somewhere of the Pit....Ooh the roar and the smell, I used to go and stand half way up the stairs at the side so I could get a better view.


I believe Dougie wyre is working as a lorry driver, I think my dad still see's him sometimes.


Ivan Major (sp?) Is also a name that brings back memories.


I'd love to take my son regularly, it really is a major memory for me with my dad, but it costs a fortune now.


I can hear the music at the beginning in my head lol, like circus music...andif the Tigers won it was Queens ' We are the Champions' at the end.


And the smell of Licorice from Bassetts as well!

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  • 1 year later...
I can remember going to the speedway in the 70's, when two of my cousins rode for Sheffield Tigers, anyone remember them - Mick and Sidney Sheldrick.


Hi Wednesdayowl:wave:

Im posting on behalf of my mum.She has asked me to post on this thread as she can remember Mick & Sidney,She used to go out with Mick in the 60's/70's,She would like to know how Mick is doing and if all is well.If you can pass a message on to him that Linda Fletcher has asked about him im sure he will remember her!!!:hihi:

Thankyou very much and please feel free to pm me at anytime:thumbsup:

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Can remember Guy Allott, Tony Robinson, Clive Featherby, Jack Winstanley, Jack Kitchen, Ron Bagley, et al. I reckon I saw the finest rider of all time at Owlerton - Peter Craven of Belle Vue, soon after that he was killed whilst racing [ at Newcastle or Edinburgh, i think.]



Happy days


I couldn't agree more. Add to your list Len Williams, Ronnie Rolfe, John Dews and Derryl Melbin to complete that era.

Peter Craven was killed at Meadowbank, Edinburgh not so long after becoming World Champion. On a couple of occasions, Wednesday played in London in the afternoon and the World Champs.' Final was on at night at Wembley. Fantastic atmosphere. One of my Wednesday pals then was a lad called 'Spike' Waterhouse and he was one of the shale sweepers on Thursday evenings (43yrs ago).

I used to carry a rider's Castrol can or boot into the stadium to get free admission! Remember well, the Guy Allott v Featherby clashes and the Silver Sash contests. Golden Helmet in the National League.

Other top Provincial stars of that time: Monk, Mauger, Bastable, Sweetman, Templeton, Wayne Briggs, Hunter, Silver.

Most memorable occasion - doing the '81 World Final from the Wembley Press Box and walking up the Wembley tunnel afterwards to the interview room. On top of that, had big bet on winner, Bruce Penhall. Sadly, Gundersen was subsequently injured, seriously, and Carter shot himself.

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As I remember it the speedway closed down for a few years then re-started in the early 60's, my mum and Dad were not keen but my auntie Lily used to take me and David, her son. We were there for the grand re-opening night and got promoted to division one in our first season, at least thats how I remember it, theres a web site at


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I know at one time, about 1960, there were two divisions. There was the National League - Norwich, Southampton, Oxford, Coventry, Wimbledon, Belle Vue etc. and the Provincial League which had Poole, Sheffield, Cradley H. Wolverhampton, Newcastle, Exeter, Hackney et al.

The Provincial League was the poorer relation and I know a few people who chose to go to Belle Vue or Coventry to see the 'top' boys. They did make rare appearances at Owlerton for Cup-matches etc and challenge events.

The World Championships that were held at Wembley were the best occasions amidst a tremendous atmosphere.

It was always exciting at Owlerton when a visiting rider held the 'Silver Sash' and had to face Sheffield's top scorer of the evening, in a three-race match challenge. eg Guy Allott v Len Silver! The National League did similar but that was for the 'Golden Helmet'.

Tracks did close unfortunately from time to time but some re-opened and I'm guessing that it was Frank Varey who did much to ressurect Sheffield Speedway at that time. The 'Star' reporter of that period was Reg Whitaker but I can't pick his brains any more as Reg sadly died not so long ago.

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