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Prison officer strike! your thoughts??

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Have read the thread. How depressing.

From the news they dont have enough officers, so they cant do the job properly.


That means less rehabillitation for prisoners, more danger and a less efficent system (note the refusal to send prisoners to court).


They dont have enough officers because of cuts in government spending, low morale, poor training and low retention levels i.e people march with their feet.


The prison in Dorset which had the pictures of the fish and chips etc had already been drawn to the attention of the authorities as being understaffed, but they ignored it.


We should either spend the money or rethink what sort of people we want in prison. We have one of the largest prison populations in Europe. Only Russia and Turket have larger ones.


In contrast this week there was a story on the Dutch prison system, which has a lack of prisoners. Just being hard on people doesnt work, because unless you retrain them, then without skills or means of making a living they are likely to reoffend.


Maybe more rehabillitation training and fewer custodial sentences. Alternatively pay for the prison service. I recall it being anywhere from £25,000 to £50,000 a year to keep someone locked up. What a waste of money in most circumstances.


Dutch prison comparison


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Did I say they were all wealthy?:confused:


You criminals don't change because they like the lifestyle. I'm wondering which ones like the lifestyle. How many crack addicts like living in a rank flat having mugged just somebody think "I'm living the dream?" You must have had some criminals in mind who enjoy their lifestyle (as opposed to being trapped in it). Do you have any examples of what you mean?

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Have read the thread. How depressing.

From the news they dont have enough officers, so they cant do the job properly.


That means less rehabillitation for prisoners, more danger and a less efficent system (note the refusal to send prisoners to court).


They dont have enough officers because of cuts in government spending, low morale, poor training and low retention levels i.e people march with their feet.


The prison in Dorset which had the pictures of the fish and chips etc had already been drawn to the attention of the authorities as being understaffed, but they ignored it.


We should either spend the money or rethink what sort of people we want in prison. We have one of the largest prison populations in Europe. Only Russia and Turket have larger ones.


In contrast this week there was a story on the Dutch prison system, which has a lack of prisoners. Just being hard on people doesnt work, because unless you retrain them, then without skills or means of making a living they are likely to reoffend.


Maybe more rehabillitation training and fewer custodial sentences. Alternatively pay for the prison service. I recall it being anywhere from £25,000 to £50,000 a year to keep someone locked up. What a waste of money in most circumstances.


Dutch prison comparison



Problem solved we deport all foreign prisoners, pay the Dutch to look after some British prisoners and stop locking some people up when community service would be a better punishment. I can't understand how there can be a moral argument to spend £50K a year on a criminal whilst some non criminals are starving and living in squalor.

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Problem solved we deport all foreign prisoners, pay the Dutch to look after some British prisoners and stop locking some people up when community service would be a better punishment. I can't understand how there can be a moral argument to spend £50K a year on a criminal whilst some non criminals are starving and living in squalor.


You think its that easy to just deport foreign criminals do you?


Well, there is a new piece of legislation coming into force across the EU to make it easier and




Never mind.

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  • 2 months later...
After watching the Panorama program last night Prison Officers should all get medals.


Of course... everyone deserves medals theses days. Can I have a medal for working too.


We've become a society of self entitlement, up our own backsides and massive chips on our shoulders. We moan about everything and think we should just strike... oh and suddenly we're experts on all subjects (because of the internet)


Leave your jobs but striking... no!


Where's the old stiff upper lip gone in Britain?? :(


Not a pop at you though :) I realise your comment could be taken within the wrong context.

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It was disgusting. What happened to respect for prison officers, or have I been misled by Porridge? I wonder if prison was actually like that in the 70s.


I do agree with you... but it all comes down to being soft on our younger generation. What happen to respect full stop?


We've always had crime, prison and lets be honest, it doesn't work. The justice secretary said yesterday... gloating, that our prisons are full because we've caught more serious offenders... ok fair comment... but they'll be released at some point, being better at crime than they already were.


I've no doubt some criminals come out and never go back, but a large proportion don't have any purpose in life other than re-commit crime and so the cycle continues.


Prison officers do a good job but don't agree with striking especially in public services... we need to toughen up as a whole, but in a smart way.


Time to go back to basics and rebuild in a smarter and efficient way.

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It was disgusting. What happened to respect for prison officers, or have I been misled by Porridge? I wonder if prison was actually like that in the 70s.


But for every Porridge there was also a Scum. I suspect, but cannot confirm, that if you were out of line in a prison in the 70s you might have been brought before the govenor after you'd had a right kicking. Were prisoners less violent then? I dont know. If we believe what we've seen in the media recently they were less likely to be using drink and drugs. They are far more aware of their rights too.


We could jail less people, that would cost money, lots of it because rehabilitation aint cheap. I also reckon we'd need a change of national psyche. Sending less people to jail will annoy large chunks (the majority?) of hte population. If youre burgled by someone with a list of offences as long as your arm who you think should be jail, you arent going to be thrilled they were given the chance to change. Can harden criminals change? Can society let them? I would be very very reluctant to take on an ex-offender, I cant be the only one.


More questions than answers really.

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