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Prison officer strike! your thoughts??

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The EDL continued to abuse Lee Rigby's memory by associating him with their racist crap despite being asked to by his mother. That tells you all you need to know about the EDL's attitude to servicemen.


See what I mean, the right verbally attack the people that attacked our soldiers and the left attack the right for doing so.

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Oh come on, because they can't put an exact percentage on it because no-one knows exactly how many rough sleepers there are and it changes every day, it's not an issue? That's called finding ways to ignore what you don't want to hear. There is a difference between an estimate (based on what we know) and a guess (plucking a figure out of thin air).


Ok,we agree and more help should be given to ex servicemen but is prison not as nice a place to be as we are led to believe by the people who've been there.

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oh give over


always twisting things to suit your warped agenda






its nothing to do with being pc and softly softly, its to do with over crowded victorian prisons and a lack of staff (which is down to cuts, like quoted above)


not twisting anything, the nanny state and overcrowding has caused the problems, the facilities prisoners have are far too good and the money spent on rehab should be spent on officers and security, the vast majority will re-offend anyway so make it as hard as possible inside.


---------- Post added 16-11-2016 at 09:18 ----------


We should deport the 10% that aren't British, that should go some way to making life a little easier for our prison officers.


totally agree and i bet its more than 10% if you include the Jihadi types:loopy:


---------- Post added 16-11-2016 at 09:22 ----------


What is your insanely hard job pmurtdlanod1? It must be absolutely hell for you to say that prison officers who have one of the <removed> jobs in the country for the <removed> pay have it easy.


where did i say that?? i have never said its easy but hey they made the choice?

my hard job well i work for myself, its not easy but i made the choice and i get the rewards i dont whinge when life gets tough:roll:

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really??? prison officers wanting to strike because its a little dangerous and not very nice dealing with criminals???? well what did you expect?

what should happen to make it safer in prisons is that all visiting is behind a glass screen with a phone like the USA, any new inmates subjected to detailed searches before entry to the main prison, wire mesh screens above prison yards and hey presto no drugs, shanks or mobile phones.

segregation of likely groups to cause trouble job done!


I feel sorry for the guards it's a tough job made worse YET AGAIN by lefties wanting to give prisoners human rights, laughable really prison should be as harsh as possible, a typical cell should have a thin mattress one pillow and basic toilet with a basic sink. See how many want to go back and commit crime after that, prisoners should be made to work very hard doing whatever menial packing/sowing jobs etc that charities and growing business out their way and the hardest workers get minimal privileges such as crisps,chocolate and pop. When they get out they'll appreciate the outside world even more and not want to go back in.

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I'm not sore at all; I'm looking forward to an extra £350million a week investment in our NHS :)


yep still sore:hihi: when will you give over with that old chestnut?? oh yes you wont because its an easy cop out:roll:


---------- Post added 16-11-2016 at 09:27 ----------


Because the US prison system is well known for its safety and record of reoffending.


most are way more secure than ours, check out the one in Arizona desert i think, basically a tent village, no comforts and no second chances.


---------- Post added 16-11-2016 at 09:29 ----------


What a staggeringly naive post.


didnt think it would be long before you came along, do you want to wrap prisoners up in cotton wool and let them smoke weed?? thats why prisons are underfunded the do gooders spend all the money that should be spent on security and officers.

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10,649 foreigners in UK prisons.


Ok, let me see if I can find out a good estimate of UK criminals overseas...wish me luck...


Wasn't actually that hard, as of 2015 there were 2005 as reported by UK embassies. So we'd be better off by roughly 8000 if we did so. So the numbers add up for this policy, does the money? Would it be cost effective to do this, based on a net gain of 8000 people we would not be paying to keep in prison I'd suggest they probably do.

Edited by sgtkate
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Why are they striking?even more so why are the prisoners behaving like they are when the do gooders have got them confy cells,tvs to watch games to play.mich star food,surely lifes good behind bars.


As it's so good then why don't you go get yourself locked up?


---------- Post added 16-11-2016 at 09:39 ----------


not twisting anything, the nanny state and overcrowding has caused the problems, the facilities prisoners have are far too good and the money spent on rehab should be spent on officers and security, the vast majority will re-offend anyway so make it as hard as possible inside.


---------- Post added 16-11-2016 at 09:18 ----------



totally agree and i bet its more than 10% if you include the Jihadi types:loopy:


---------- Post added 16-11-2016 at 09:22 ----------



where did i say that?? i have never said its easy but hey they made the choice?

my hard job well i work for myself, its not easy but i made the choice and i get the rewards i dont whinge when life gets tough:roll:


Except all you seem to do is whinge on here about how everyone else but you has it so easy. #irony


---------- Post added 16-11-2016 at 09:40 ----------


I already posted a link for you which says its about 1200.


That number was how many after being supported by that charity and not the overall number. Not every UK criminal abroad is being held in poor conditions and needs that charity to support them.

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I'm a civil servant and have suffered effective pay cuts year on year (changes to pensions, and NI, cut to terms and conditions etc etc etc) and am looking for a new job.....but the absolute last job I'd ever do would be working for the prison service. Shat on from both above and below and hated in equal measure.


Liz Truss (promoted well above her abilities) has announced a new recruitment drive. I'm looking forward to some of the blowhards on here rushing to fill those posts.


You're spot on. They can't even fill teaching positions, so what hope do they have for the prison service? It isn't like Porridge.

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