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Rustling Road trees are being felled right now

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How do people know what is in the amey contract ? Has it been made publicly available? If so, please post a link. Or provide some sort of proof to back up your argument of tree felling financial incentives.


The contract is freely available online here.




Some parts are however heavily redacted.

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I for one don't accept either premise. It is necessary to replace some trees. It is not a fact that the scheme is only to boost anyone's profits.

There is conclusive proof that trees are being removed unnecessarily, where the other engineering options are appropriate.


Amey have a contract, part of which includes tree management. Of course overall they aim to make a profit, but it was not they who decided the specification of works required. In most of the streets that have been completed the finished result is an improvement. It's inevitable that we'll not all agree about every tree in every street. The fact that any tree that now needs to be felled will be replaced is a very major improvement on what went before. That condition in their contract gives Amey a big incentive to look after all the trees.


The contract involves a consultation with specialists, in the case of Rustlings Road this report was deliberately released at 0400 in the morning and the trees were cut down an hour later, against the advice of the report.

So someone is deciding to deliberately cut down trees that do not need removing.

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I noticed over the Christmas period that thete were lots of Christmas trees in the windows of the houses on Rustlings Road. I wonder how many of those were real ones chopped down before they had a chance to mature so they could sit in the bay windows of the protestors and be hung with baubles ?

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I noticed over the Christmas period that thete were lots of Christmas trees in the windows of the houses on Rustlings Road. I wonder how many of those were real ones chopped down before they had a chance to mature so they could sit in the bay windows of the protestors and be hung with baubles ?


This has already been discussed on this thread and it's really not an argument at all.


For a start, real Christmas Trees are much more environmentally friendly than artificial Christmas Trees in terms of their carbon footprint, and that includes the fact that you would have a new real Christmas Tree every year and keep an artificial one for many years. The facts and figures are provided earlier in the thread. Therefore the more environmentally conscious are more likely to get a real tree.


Also, Christmas Trees are grown specifically in order to be cut down, just like any commercial timber. They aren't ever meant to get a chance to be 'mature'. They are also very quick growing (an average 6 foot Christmas Tree is probably only 7/8 years old).

Edited by Robin-H
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Still the principle of chopping down something that is living....just like you. To borrow from a sign tied around one tree trunk on that road.


The objection to removing the treeside roads isn't some kind of "oooh, it's alive" objection. It's the benefit to the street that is being removed (visual mostly, but also some pollution benefit), and it's ONLY being removed to make profit for Amey.

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The objection to removing the treeside roads isn't some kind of "oooh, it's alive" objection. It's the benefit to the street that is being removed (visual mostly, but also some pollution benefit), and it's ONLY being removed to make profit for Amey.


Its also an objection to £10k being slashed from their house prices, but nobody on that road would readily admit that as the reason they are protesting :D

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