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Rustling Road trees are being felled right now

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If £10k has now been knocked off the value of every property on the street, I wonder if they would have put £500-1000 in each to meet the cost of the metal gratings


I'm also wondering what quinoa civil disobedience will look like? Are the mature trees outside the council offices now being guarded (at cost the taxpayer of course)? Or maybe a gorilla wake (with obligatory craft beer and Victoria sponge) on the street is more their thing?

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Be interesting to know this as Bryan lodge said on the radio this morning that the reason they didn't keep the trees was that it would have incurred 50k additional engineering costs.


20 coppers for a morning will be half that if imagine - plus the out of hours working, plus the tow trucks....


So are you suggesting that SCC/Amey should just not bother doing any work if there is any controversy and a risk of public disturbance, because there would be a cost in protecting the public?

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If £10k has now been knocked off the value of every property on the street, I wonder if they would have put £500-1000 in each to meet the cost of the metal gratings


I'm also wondering what quinoa civil disobedience will look like? Are the mature trees outside the council offices now being guarded (at cost the taxpayer of course)? Or maybe a gorilla wake (with obligatory craft beer and Victoria sponge) on the street is more their thing?


So because people live in a nice area the council is fine to completely ignore the opinions of experts the council brought in the review the tree policy? Jealous much? Unless I've just missed a whoosh in which case feel free to 'WHOOOOOSH' at me.

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I think an FOI request would be appropriate yes, although I would not be surprised if it was considered 'vexatious', meaning that they do not have to provide the information requested.


Previous attempts of FOI requests into the Tree Felling Fiasco have been considered vexatious.


Is there a right to appeal regarding these 'vexatious' rulings? Or is again Sheffield City Council a law unto themselves?

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So, for the many people living in streets around Sheffield who have NOT had the benefit of an Independent Tree Panel as diabolical decisions were made previous to these new processes in place, can we now call for an Independent Tree Panel also? Surely, in the interests of equality and fairness, we should be entitled also to have an Independent Tree Panel regarding the remaining trees?

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So because people live in a nice area the council is fine to completely ignore the opinions of experts the council brought in the review the tree policy? Jealous much? Unless I've just missed a whoosh in which case feel free to 'WHOOOOOSH' at me.


I do support the residents and generally dislike the council, including their authoritarian behaviour over this.


But it is also a little bit funny how tarquin the protesters are. It looks like they've not gone near activism since they successfully demonstrated against the western section of the Sheffield Outer Ring Road in 1948.

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So, for the many people living in streets around Sheffield who have NOT had the benefit of an Independent Tree Panel as diabolical decisions were made previous to these new processes in place, can we now call for an Independent Tree Panel also? Surely, in the interests of equality and fairness, we should be entitled also to have an Independent Tree Panel regarding the remaining trees?


The proposals were only sent to the panel if more than 50% of the households on the street objected to them. If less than 50% did, the felling went ahead as planned.


It seems of course that even where the tree panel say that the fellings are unnecessary, they go ahead as planned anyway.

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