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Rustling Road trees are being felled right now

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Not heard of these. Are they the trees that line the whole length of the road?




An inscription on the wall of Westways School reads: “The trees in Western Road and Gillott Street were planted in grateful appreciation of the part taken by former pupils of this school in the Great War 1914-1919.”

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The real problem was planting the trees many years ago so close to roads and paths. Trees should be in woods, forests, fields and parks, and should be well away from boundaries of roads and footpaths. If there are paths and roads that have been built after the trees were planted, then the trees should have been removed at that time. What happened to common sense.


It’s just plain dumb to plant trees so close to areas like this. What would you do if it was the foundation of your home that was at risk from the tree roots? You would want the trees chopping down as soon as possible.


Good on the council for using some common sense, late in the day though it is.


None of these trees were threatening any foundations and it's quite clearly possible to engineer pavements to cope with trees planted nearby, it's done all over the world.

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I'm sure it's total coincidence, but households in our street have today received what looks like a very hurriedly prepared and unsigned communication from Bryan Lodge inviting us to take part in a tree survey running from 25th November to 9th December. The web link provided is not yet live to see their proposals.


Before this week's events I suspect the survey would have got a low response rate. It may still do, but somehow I think the chances of quiet acceptance may have dropped substantially!


Timing is everything in life, and those in charge of this scheme have got it very badly wrong.


How can anyone think that having appointed an Independent Tree Panel they should not publish its findings before action? What was the point? Apparently ignoring every recommendation, and without any explanation, totally mocks the whole process.


To start felling when and how they did compounded the already delicate situation. It stinks. This thread is evidence of how it will have made things worse, not better.


I say that as one who might be in favour of most of the felling and replacing!

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I'm sure it's total coincidence, but households in our street have today received what looks like a very hurriedly prepared and unsigned communication from Bryan Lodge inviting us to take part in a tree survey running from 25th November to 9th December. The web link provided is not yet live to see their proposals.



I hear that a lot of streets all over Sheffield have received letters this morning.

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If anybody would like to contact their councillors about this but doesn't know their contact details, they can be found here..




I echo the thoughts of Cyclone, and would implore everybody who feels angered by this to let their councillors know. Ask them if they condone the use of anti trade union legislation to arrest peacefully protesting pensioners at the crack of dawn.

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The real problem was planting the trees many years ago so close to roads and paths. Trees should be in woods, forests, fields and parks, and should be well away from boundaries of roads and footpaths. If there are paths and roads that have been built after the trees were planted, then the trees should have been removed at that time. What happened to common sense.


It’s just plain dumb to plant trees so close to areas like this. What would you do if it was the foundation of your home that was at risk from the tree roots? You would want the trees chopping down as soon as possible.

Good on the council for using some common sense, late in the day though it is.


What? By planting new ones in the same place? Do you think these new ones are going to be maintained any better than the last ones? :hihi:

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Went through Rustlings Road today - what a sorry state without its trees. What a legacy for this council to claim. Shame on them.


went past tonight having been brought up in that areas a utter disgrace by sheffield council but while people vote the muppets in they will always do stupid things its the council way .

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@Dr Afzal - your assessment of the placement of trees is flawed. Trees are needed in densely populated/high traffic areas more than ever - read up about the environmental benefits of trees. Here is a starter for you. Those trees have been there for decades. Even if Amey/SCC replace them it is highly unlikely that in our lifetime we will see their like.

Edited by Jomie
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