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Rustling Road trees are being felled right now

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If it was the Council towing them you'd be right. However, the Police have powers to remove vehicles and I'd think they are the ones who are arranging removals.


OK Im confused. Why the police - surely if there are signs up saying don't park here then the council can remove them as they are for the rest of the roadworks?

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OK Im confused. Why the police - surely if there are signs up saying don't park here then the council can remove them as they are for the rest of the roadworks?


There were no signs that I know of. It was unannounced - to avoid protests I presume. I guess that's why they did it in the dark too

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There were no signs that I know of. It was unannounced - to avoid protests I presume. I guess that's why they did it in the dark too


So no lawful grounds for removal? Oooh this is going to be a big kettle of worms - come out - no car - late for appointments. Mind you it's SYP apparently doing it so that's nothing new...

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Posted by Chris Rust online : Last night the SCC website did not show the Independent Tree Panel's decision on these fellings


At 4:25 am the council website posted the ITP's recommendations which were that 6 of these 8 trees might be saved and that should be considered. The council's response was posted in a very large small print spreadsheet.


Residents were woken at 2am to move cars. There were two very small notices near Rustlings Rd about road closures, very small print with Rustlings at the end of a long list. None of the normal big yellow signs so of course nobody was aware, but presumably this allowed the door knocking.


30-40 police, large number of felling crews and tow trucks arrived and blocked off the road.


Felling started (I was told) before 5am and the trees were substantially felled by daylight. Just the trunks remaining.


Two pensioners, neighbours called Jenny Hockey and Freda Brayshaw, were arrested for standing by the tree outside their homes. A young man then stepped in and was also arrested.

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Find your local councillor here and email them in complaint.


If you want a template of sorts this is what I just sent


Dear Councillors,

I am emailing to express my concern about the approach and policy that SCC and Amey are taking with regards to the removal of trees across the city.

The specific events which prompt my email are the ones that have taken place on Rustings Road this morning.




Last night the SCC website did not show the Independent Tree Panel's decision on these fellings.


At 4:25 am the council website posted the ITP's recommendations which were that 6 of these 8 trees might be saved and that should be considered. The council's response was posted in a very large small print spreadsheet.


Residents were woken at 2am to move cars.


All 8 trees had been removed by dawn.


SCC should not be employing these underhand tactics, nor supporting Amey in them. Amey has a clear desire to remove trees that could be saved, as it will create a cost saving to themselves. This is not in the public interest, nor in the interest of the council. They should not be allowed or supported in this behaviour.


The council should make the recommendations of the ITP binding on itself and on Amey, the public currently have no trust in the judgements or intentions of SCC or of Amey with regards to our street trees.


Please let me know what action you can take to safeguard our street trees.

Edited by Cyclone
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as someone who has a relative with sight problems, id much rather these tree went than have to visit hospital again as they'd tripped on a pavement that had been bulging due to tree roots, maybe the pavements/trees should have been maintained in the past but they werent likewise maybe different trees could have been planted that didnt cause as much damage but they werent.


people need some perspective the loss of these trees wont cause global warming and wont make any difference apart from the nimbys who live in the leafy suburbs worrying about the loss of value on their properties, the fact that these people have a wooded park across the road and live in the greenest city in England seems to have passed them by.

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as someone who has a relative with sight problems, id much rather these tree went than have to visit hospital again as they'd tripped on a pavement that had been bulging due to tree roots, maybe the pavements/trees should have been maintained in the past but they werent likewise maybe different trees could have been planted that didnt cause as much damage but they werent.


people need some perspective the loss of these trees wont cause global warming and wont make any difference apart from the nimbys who live in the leafy suburbs worrying about the loss of value on their properties, the fact that these people have a wooded park across the road and live in the greenest city in England seems to have passed them by.


Those comments are completely baseless.


Firstly, the Independent Tree Panel said that 6 of the 8 trees they felled could have been saved whilst also improving the pavements to remove trip hazards. The reason why the council didn't do this is because they are locked into a terrible PFI contract with AMEY who have the right to sue the council if they force them to preserve more trees than the contract says.


Secondly, I don't believe anyone has claimed that the loss of these trees will 'cause global warming' and there is absolutely no evidence that the only people who are concerned are those living in leafy suburbs and are only bothered about house values. I don't live in a tree lined street and I think what the council is doing is despicable.

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Despicable behaviour by the council.


The council released the results of the Independent Tree Panel at 4.25am this morning, after the felling had started. The Panel recommended that alternative solutions could save 6 of the 8 trees that were planned to be felled. The council kept this a secret until it was too late - not one tree was given a reprieve.


What, may I ask, is the point of an Independent Tree Panel if the council are going to hide their recommendations and do whatever they like


They woke the residents up at 2am to move cars.


To be honest I think a fair few trees around Sheffield do need to come down - mainly due to neglect/poor maintenance issues.


However, I am disgusted to read this and rather ashamed of our council.


I am not surprised though, after the sham and pretence, divide and rule tactics, (and generally giving good people the runaround by the council and its contractors) that the people of our street were forced to endure. Their lamentable approach has divided our local community and continues to do so.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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