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Rustling Road trees are being felled right now

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Trees drop leaves? Really?


Well why not sweep them up, put them in black binbags, put some small holes in the bag and put them in a corner of your garden for a year and out comes mulch for your garden.


Trees planted in the wrong place?


Not on our road they aren't


Traffic hazard?


Do you drive on the pavement then?

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Yes there is a lot of research, that doesn't mean that the ruddy trees don't damage property, block light, make litter in Autumn and make ideal pirches for birds to crap on our cars.


MY research says that trees should be in forests or/and woods, just the same as Lions should be on the sevannah, NOT in my local Tesco


Read this and educate yourself about the benefits of trees= https://www.treepeople.org/resources/tree-benefits :roll:

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Read this and educate yourself about the benefits of trees= https://www.treepeople.org/resources/tree-benefits :roll:


So how does that explain the benefits of trees planted in pavements and road side verges?


Less than 1% off trees in Sheffield are planted in the pavements and road side verges.


It's winter - all the decidous trees in the northern hemisphere provide next to no benefit but we manage to survive it.

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Well you're entitled to your opinion but if it's alright I think I'd rather take the research from the forestry commission over your complaints that trees drop leaves, so I'll leave it at that.


A genuine enquiry Do you own a car? If so have you considered cutting down

on its use,or even getting rid of it, especially if its a diesel. Have you seen the resarch on the amount of pollution they cause. Fewer cars would cause less pollution

alongside the help from trees.

Edited by bazjea
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Slightly off topic here (perhaps I should start another thread), but was driving around Nether Edge today and couldn't help noticing a very large amount of trees with ribbon tied around them (including the arboreally beautiful Montgomery Road).

Please tell me that it doesn't signify all of these trees are to be felled … the trees are wonderful round this area and it'd be a crime if they were cut down just for the sake of greed and incompetence.

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Slightly off topic here (perhaps I should start another thread), but was driving around Nether Edge today and couldn't help noticing a very large amount of trees with ribbon tied around them (including the arboreally beautiful Montgomery Road).

Please tell me that it doesn't signify all of these trees are to be felled … the trees are wonderful round this area and it'd be a crime if they were cut down just for the sake of greed and incompetence.


Any tree with a ribbon on it is a tree that is due to be felled yes. Montgomery Road is going to be badly hit.


Indeed, there will be lots of trees without ribbons that are still going to be felled.


---------- Post added 11-12-2016 at 20:07 ----------


A genuine enquiry Do you own a car? If so have you considered cutting down

on its use,or even getting rid of it, especially if its a diesel. Have you seen the resarch on the amount of pollution they cause. Fewer cars would cause less pollution

alongside the help from trees.


I do not own a car no, so I can't really cut down..

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A genuine question.

Do your own a car or catch a bus train or any other mode of transport that uses fossil fuel.


Yes I have a car, only use on average once a week I took a decision

to cut down on car use. If I use public transport

in Sheffield I use the tram. I try to walk as much as possible.which made me realise the terrible pollution, caused by the almost stationary traffic that block our roads

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Did you not look at the website I posted? - It describes the environmental benefits there.


You should perhaps also read this publication..




And this publication..




Or this..




Like I said, there is lots of research.


I'm looking for any research that says trees planted in the pavement and roadside verges have a greater environmental benefit than trees planted a few yards from roads in other places - private gardens, parks, grass between footpaths and housing etc.


From my observations the latter outnumber the former many times over - round where I live in S6 probably a hundred fold - when I walk to work down Crookes Valley to Upper Hanover I don't think there is a single "street tree" - yet there's loads overhanging the footpaths.

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You're being fascieous obviously, a tree in a garden at the side of the pavement has the same benefit as one at the road side, that's obvious.


Do you imagine that Amey are going to somehow transplant 30,000 roadside trees into nearby gardens though?

Once they're cut down, they're gone, they don't relocate in a garden do they.


My street has about 15 mature roadside trees. It has none in gardens, there is no park visible from it, and about 10 of them have ribbons on them indicating that they've been identified for cutting down.

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