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Rustling Road trees are being felled right now

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Of course it's lawful to protest lawfully. "Right" depends on the person's opinion in this context.


I am speaking generally, and so therefore the context of this situation does not really matter.


I am sure you realise that the vast majority of protests (that have been successful) have only been successful because they have caused a disturbance in one way or other (such as preventing people from doing what they are protesting against).


Without causing such disruption (peacefully) there is very little incentive for the 'powers at be' to change course, and so the protest is very unlikely to be successful.


For example, the Pureora Forest Park in New Zealand was only saved from logging because protesters made platforms in the trees which prevented the loggers doing their job. Without the actions of these people that park would have been logged, and what is now a large and environmentally important protected area would have been forever lost.


Now, these people were peacefully preventing people from doing their work - are you saying that this protest shouldn't have been allowed?

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Do you hold that unlawful behaviour is legitimised by personal beliefs?


Care to answer the question I posed?


Personal belief doesn't really come into it.


I believe that the right to protest extends to the right to cause peaceful disruption, in a similar manner that the right to strike is essentially the right to cause disruption, whether I believe in the cause or not. Would you not agree that strike laws permit disruption?


The level of that disruption needs to of course be proportionate, but in the case provided, and in the case in Sheffield, the disruption was very localised.

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No wonder Amey want to chop trees down rather than invest in engineering solutions. They get to sell the timber from the trees they've cut down for a profit.


What incentive is there for engineering solutions when they can make more profit from cutting down as many as possible?


Bare in mind, we, the Council Tax payers have already paid for the contract...any engineering work that is appropriate to be done has already been paid for. Amey just choose not to do it, and who can blame them when they can flog off any trees they fell.

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What are the engineering solutions ?


Hasn't that already been linked to several times in this 37 page thread?


---------- Post added 22-02-2017 at 08:50 ----------


Alternative reading:

Local tax and rate payers should never behave like that in any civilised society


What behaviour are you objecting to? The peaceful protest?

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Hasn't that already been linked to several times in this 37 page thread?



I thought as it had been mentioned a couple of posts ago an explanation of the process could be given.

If you can recall seeing it maybe you could explain what the engineering solution entails please.

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I can't remember the entire list, there were a number solutions such as widening the unpaved area around a tree, trimming back surface roots, using a flexible pavement solution, and so on (I think about 7 different options).


---------- Post added 22-02-2017 at 09:05 ----------


Now you are really grasping at straws and I consider you are just arguing for the sake of it.


Did you think that if you kept saying I was grasping at straws it made it so?

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