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Rustling Road trees are being felled right now

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They are taking down trees on our estate now ,but for all the right reasons I like trees but have just outgrown the space I see you tree huggers trying to stop this from going ahead ,but they will still be chopped down, the people who live here want these trees down fact ,the trees are lifting kerbs ,damage to pavements, and roads,the tree near to me is almost at our bedroom window a family down the road has had to move out of there home because of the roots under there home it's time you protesters found something useful to do ,what we are all forgetting the trees are been replaced with smaller trees so what's the problem

Too much time on your hands please stay away thank you

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They are taking down trees on our estate now ,but for all the right reasons I like trees but have just outgrown the space I see you tree huggers trying to stop this from going ahead ,but they will still be chopped down, the people who live here want these trees down fact ,the trees are lifting kerbs ,damage to pavements, and roads,the tree near to me is almost at our bedroom window a family down the road has had to move out of there home because of the roots under there home it's time you protesters found something useful to do ,what we are all forgetting the trees are been replaced with smaller trees so what's the problem

Too much time on your hands please stay away thank you


It is a free country. Fortunately people have the right to get annoyed and protest about whatever they please, whether the likes of people like you agree with it or not.

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In a nutshell I am saying people were given the opportunity to voice their opinion.


I don't think that is what you were saying.


---------- Post added 22-02-2017 at 15:50 ----------


On Radio Sheffield last week there was a phone in where an official stated households on an affected street were contacted about the situation before any action was taken.

Only a tiny minority replied.


A none reply is not tacit agreement with the proposal. So the number that reply is not some kind of permission to go ahead.


I think you're grasping at straws in an effort to justify the behaviour of amey and the council.

Edited by Cyclone
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I don't think that is what you were saying.


I think it was.


---------- Post added 22-02-2017 at 15:54 ----------


I don't think that is what you were saying.


---------- Post added 22-02-2017 at 15:50 ----------



A none reply is not tacit agreement with the proposal. So the number that reply is not some kind of permission to go ahead.


I think you're grasping at straws in an effort to justify the behaviour of amey and the council.


Maybe grasping at branches !

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Such sad sad people ,don't mind protesters ,but this takes the biscuit was some this morning taking photos of trees to go ,no matter what there going so as I say

Protest about more serious things like nhs cutbacks things that one day you might require

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Such sad sad people ,don't mind protesters ,but this takes the biscuit was some this morning taking photos of trees to go ,no matter what there going so as I say

Protest about more serious things like nhs cutbacks things that one day you might require


Oh I see, you're of the school of thought that it is only possible to be annoyed and protest about one thing at the time. People concerned about Sheffield's street trees can't possibly also be concerned about the NHS, or homelessness, or climate change, or global poverty.


That is an obviously and demonstrably illogical position.

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these trees are coming down for the correct reasons,live with it they will be gone shortly, the quicker the better ,

And been replaced with more trees what's the problem ? we all like to see trees

But when they become a danger and a problem to people's homes they have to go ,if they was outside your home you huggers would be the first to moan and want them removing

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these trees are coming down for the correct reasons,live with it they will be gone shortly, the quicker the better ,

And been replaced with more trees what's the problem ? we all like to see trees

But when they become a danger and a problem to people's homes they have to go ,if they was outside your home you huggers would be the first to moan and want them removing


Wait, I thought the residents of Rustling Road were only concerned because of their house prices? Now you're saying that 'tree huggers' would want trees to be removed if they were outside their houses, so which is it?


I was under the impression that the residents of Rustling road were rather annoyed that the trees were being removed (indeed so annoyed that two ladies were arrested) which rather dismantles your argument..


The trees being removed are not a danger and they are not causing damage to people's homes. If a street tree is causing damage to your home then removal may well be the only appropriate course of action. Nobody is suggesting otherwise.

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It is planned that many of the trees on my road will be felled and replaced. The trees are not dead, dying or dangerous, they are not causing a problem to my home or anybody else's home on the road.


But some of them are causing a problem that either the roots or the very lower part of the trunk extends slightly beyond the line of the kerb. Maybe by two inches. And the contract between Amey and the Council says (to quote the Account Director at Streets Ahead/ Amey) 'we are required to provide a continuous kerb line'. So the trees that are healthy and have a long life expectancy, that local residents are fighting to retain and even the resident whose house it is right outside (like me) want to retain...the council and amey want to fell a tree that is around 150 year old, which has a long life expectancy because the roots stick out an inch or two across the line of the kerb.


It barely seems credible does it. It might have seemed that tree huggers were fighting to keep trees that were dead, dying or dangerous. But actually, those trees have already been taken down because there was a genuine emergency about taking down those trees. Obviously, if the Council knew about such trees, and didn't have them taken down, and they fell and caused damage to property or god forbid to people, well, the compensation claim would be astronomical. But they've already dealt with those, the contract (and the Council) are very clear about that.


But the trees that are being felled now? There's nothing wrong with the tree itself. It just gets in the way of a contract that the council has with amey. It literally doesn't make sense, the contractors doing the road repairs could just work around the trees. The trees have been there for (on my road) for around 150 years. And that's why the campaign to prevent tree felling has in excess of 6,000 supports across the city. Not having a continuous kerb line just isn't a top priority. Retaining mature, healthy trees is. I just don't know why you don't support the campaign too.

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It is notable that the people in favour of cutting the trees down frequently change their 'reasons' for their stated position. It seems to me that the most likely cause of their stand is ressentiment: a psychological state resulting from suppressed feelings of envy and hatred which cannot be satisfied.

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