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Rustling Road trees are being felled right now

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The key point is that the only benefit from removing instead of managing the existing trees goes to Amey. Nobody else benefits, in fact the people of Sheffield suffer reduced amenity value.


What "amenity value" have we get from deciduous trees growing in the pavement / roadside verges for the last few months - say since back end of October?


When does the "amenity value" kick in again? April? May?

Edited by Longcol
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What "amenity value" have we get from deciduous trees growing in the pavement / roadside verges for the last few months - say since back end of October?


When does the "amenity value" kick in again? April? May?


Is that really your argument? Because the trees aren't in leaf year round then they might as well not be there at all!? You're essentially saying that no deciduous tree can ever be classed as having 'amenity value', which is blatantly absurd.

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I would like to congratulate you on the clear and factual way that you have answered all questions and put your case forward.


I honestly can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. I hope you're not, in which case I thank you, but I am aware that compliments are rather thin on the ground and so I may be mistaken.


I do try to present my points in a clear and factual manner, backed up with relevant sources where necessary, however I'm also aware that this is an emotive issue and one I feel rather passionate about, and so may have slipped into more impulsive replies at times.

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I honestly can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not. I hope you're not, in which case I thank you, but I am aware that compliments are rather thin on the ground and so I may be mistaken.


I do try to present my points in a clear and factual manner, backed up with relevant sources where necessary, however I'm also aware that this is an emotive issue and one I feel rather passionate about, and so may have slipped into more impulsive replies at times.


I am being sincere.

It has been informative and a pleasure to read your debating of the subject.

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What "amenity value" have we get from deciduous trees growing in the pavement / roadside verges for the last few months - say since back end of October?


When does the "amenity value" kick in again? April? May?


You have ignored the varied aspects of amenity value provided throughout the year. For example,

Wet leaves providing a nice slippy pavement in winter, and preventing road drains from getting too wet,

The lovely sticky coating for parked cars during springtime,

Excellent shading for houses, enabling householders to switch in their lights even during the height of summer,

A year round perch for birds. It makes it much easier to see that your car needs washing once there are a few bird droppings on it.

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