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Rustling Road trees are being felled right now

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You have ignored the varied aspects of amenity value provided throughout the year. For example,

Wet leaves providing a nice slippy pavement in winter, and preventing road drains from getting too wet,

The lovely sticky coating for parked cars during springtime,

Excellent shading for houses, enabling householders to switch in their lights even during the height of summer,

A year round perch for birds. It makes it much easier to see that your car needs washing once there are a few bird droppings on it.


I suspect you are being deliberately facetious, either that or you do not understand the word amenity.


Fortunately, Sheffield City Council would not consider any of the reasons that you have listed as legitimate reasons for removing a tree.

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I suspect you are being deliberately facetious, either that or you do not understand the word amenity.


Fortunately, Sheffield City Council would not consider any of the reasons that you have listed as legitimate reasons for removing a tree.


Having watched the article on calendar last night and seeing the state of the path and road around some of those trees roots, they need to be removed.

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Having watched the article on calendar last night and seeing the state of the path and road around some of those trees roots, they need to be removed.


The state of the pathway or road wasn't one of the reasons that Eater Sundae was mentioning, which is why they were not mentioned in my reply. Suggesting that trees should be removed because of leaf fall or bird droppings is fortunately not advice that would be followed by any council unless perhaps in exceptional circumstances.


Damage to pavements and roads is a more legitimate reason, and there will be some instances that the damage is so great that it is causing serious impingement on peoples ability to walk safely, or with a wheelchair or buggy, and removal might be the only option.


However, the vast majority of trees being felled by the council would not be placed in this category. They are causing very minimal damage which could be rectified using the engineering solutions mentioned within the Amey contract - indeed methods that they say they would explore before any tree is removed.


As an example, many trees are being removed because they have pushed kerbstones slightly out of alignment - this is despite one of the solutions in the contract is leaving a gap in the kerbstone line. Why is that not being followed?


To illustrate my point - this tree on the corner is being removed because of damage to the pavement (as are the majority of the trees on the adjacent tree lined street).




This tree (nearest the camera) is being removed because again it is apparently damaging the pavement. It was planted as a memorial to fallen soldiers during WWI that went to the Church. The far tree is being removed for 'obstructing the carriageway'.




There are thousands of trees across Sheffield just like these (and thousands have already been felled) which are being removed for apparent damage that is either non-existent or easily rectified.

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I suspect you are being deliberately facetious, either that or you do not understand the word amenity.


Fortunately, Sheffield City Council would not consider any of the reasons that you have listed as legitimate reasons for removing a tree.


Of course it was facetious, but it was a follow up to Cyclone's post #782, which conveniently ignored that the amenity value associated with trees is not a clear cut one way street. There are disadvantages associated with street trees.


I never claimed that they were valid reasons to remove trees. Similarly, "because I like them" is not an overriding justification to keep them.

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Of course it was facetious, but it was a follow up to Cyclone's post #782, which conveniently ignored that the amenity value associated with trees is not a clear cut one way street. There are disadvantages associated with street trees.


I never claimed that they were valid reasons to remove trees. Similarly, "because I like them" is not an overriding justification to keep them.


What lunacy have we reduced ourselves to when 'like' no longer counts in how we justify our policies and action. Do we really live in a dystopia that has become this removed from human affection? The idea that some process of instrumental metrics can serve humanity well is simply a obfuscation promoted by the powers that will benefit from these actions. We desperately need to regain our sense of humanity, develop a system of metrics(arghh) that places humanity's relationship with itself, and the environment central and refuse to be coerced by instrumental analyses that commodify us and the world for the enjoyment of the elite minority. I'm not sure how to do this but highlighting the mechanisms used to do this is a start and we should refuse to be drawn in to their argument in their terms

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The state of the pathway or road wasn't one of the reasons that Eater Sundae was mentioning, which is why they were not mentioned in my reply. Suggesting that trees should be removed because of leaf fall or bird droppings is fortunately not advice that would be followed by any council unless perhaps in exceptional circumstances.


Damage to pavements and roads is a more legitimate reason, and there will be some instances that the damage is so great that it is causing serious impingement on peoples ability to walk safely, or with a wheelchair or buggy, and removal might be the only option.


However, the vast majority of trees being felled by the council would not be placed in this category. They are causing very minimal damage which could be rectified using the engineering solutions mentioned within the Amey contract - indeed methods that they say they would explore before any tree is removed.


As an example, many trees are being removed because they have pushed kerbstones slightly out of alignment - this is despite one of the solutions in the contract is leaving a gap in the kerbstone line. Why is that not being followed?


To illustrate my point - this tree on the corner is being removed because of damage to the pavement (as are the majority of the trees on the adjacent tree lined street).




This tree (nearest the camera) is being removed because again it is apparently damaging the pavement. It was planted as a memorial to fallen soldiers during WWI that went to the Church. The far tree is being removed for 'obstructing the carriageway'.




There are thousands of trees across Sheffield just like these (and thousands have already been felled) which are being removed for apparent damage that is either non-existent or easily rectified.


My apologies, I wasn't replying to your post. I don't even know how I managed to reply to yours, must be a senior moment!

I was only passing comment re the clip I saw and the state of the path and road around the raised tree roots.

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Guest makapaka
What lunacy have we reduced ourselves to when 'like' no longer counts in how we justify our policies and action. Do we really live in a dystopia that has become this removed from human affection? The idea that some process of instrumental metrics can serve humanity well is simply a obfuscation promoted by the powers that will benefit from these actions. We desperately need to regain our sense of humanity, develop a system of metrics(arghh) that places humanity's relationship with itself, and the environment central and refuse to be coerced by instrumental analyses that commodify us and the world for the enjoyment of the elite minority. I'm not sure how to do this but highlighting the mechanisms used to do this is a start and we should refuse to be drawn in to their argument in their terms


We do live in that world and nothing will change it for the simple reason of money.


It drives how we live and has done for centuries.


We have used superb intellect to develop drugs that prolong life and don't give them to people because of cost.


To be fair though in this instance were only talking about trees and furthermore were not talking about rainforests here are we? We're talking about tree lined streets in a massive city.

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