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Do you try to block people overtaking or passing you?

Have you/do you/would you try preventing people passing or overtaking?  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you/do you/would you try preventing people passing or overtaking?

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Isn't that the same as any other law? Guilty act, guilty mind and all that...


Not really, there's a line to be drawn, you can't charge someone with murder for the act of buying flowers. You could hardly charge someone with Driving without due care and attention if they're indicating and waiting to change lane safely.


Like I said in my edit though, Geared was talking about those who "push" their way in, which is a different kettle of mudflaps.

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Agree with Waldo. It's easy to tell when someone is eager to pass - they are always male, young to age about 40. They have a determined look on their faces, arms straight on the steering wheel, shoulders hunched up and tailgate the car in front. More often than not I slow down to let them pass. A couple of days ago I was on a bendy country road with a young man of the aforementioned description was behind me. He passed both me and a charity collection van at the same time. This manoeuvre brought him right up to a blind bend and he missed an oncoming car by a very narrow margin. There could have been a fatal crash judging by his speed. Even if I had not slowed to let him pass, he would probably still have gone ahead but it does make you wonder. It was a bad experience.

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Agree with Waldo. It's easy to tell when someone is eager to pass - they are always male, young to age about 40. They have a determined look on their faces, arms straight on the steering wheel, shoulders hunched up and tailgate the car in front. More often than not I slow down to let them pass. A couple of days ago I was on a bendy country road with a young man of the aforementioned description was behind me. He passed both me and a charity collection van at the same time. This manoeuvre brought him right up to a blind bend and he missed an oncoming car by a very narrow margin. There could have been a fatal crash judging by his speed. Even if I had not slowed to let him pass, he would probably still have gone ahead but it does make you wonder. It was a bad experience.


You really shouldn't be so judgmental about young male drivers. I've had plenty of women tailgate me, and old men. Whilst statistically young men are more likely to be driving aggressively it's not a monopoly!


Some of the worst, most dangerously ignorant driving is from women with a car full of children or pensioners. Overtaking unsafely is just one small part of our seemingly growing dangerous driving problem.

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Old men refuse to yield, women don't look where they're going and young men drive like idiots.


Pretty sure it's been like that for Donkey's years to be hoenst.


Anyone driving faster than someone else is an idiot, anyone driving slower is an halfhead.

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Sgtkate - we are all judgemental and indeed have to be to get through life relatively safely. If you are not judgmental then you are truly unique. I speak as I find and in over 40 years of driving I have rarely been tailgated by a woman, especially ones who have children in the car and cannot recall a single incident of being tailgated by a pensioner! Of course there are good young male drivers but in my experience the ones who are in a rush generally fit that description. I am happy for them to pass and get on their way. It does no good to incite by trying to block them.

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Sgtkate - we are all judgemental and indeed have to be to get through life relatively safely. If you are not judgmental then you are truly unique. I speak as I find and in over 40 years of driving I have rarely been tailgated by a woman, especially ones who have children in the car and cannot recall a single incident of being tailgated by a pensioner! Of course there are good young male drivers but in my experience the ones who are in a rush generally fit that description. I am happy for them to pass and get on their way. It does no good to incite by trying to block them.


Oh I'm judgmental as hell! Just saying driving too fast isn't exclusively down to young men.

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