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High Street Lane


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I spent many hours in this playground it had everything flying plank, swings, slide, rocking horses, roundabout. brought some good memories back.alan p.


Wow flying plank ! My local one (Sutherland Road) didn't have one or a 'Witches Hat' roundabout.

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I spent many hours in this playground it had everything flying plank, swings, slide, rocking horses, roundabout. brought some good memories back.alan p.


It was something new for us kids. The parks had swings, but this place had it all. I can still remember the nausea from too much time on that roundabout with kids making it go faster.


It must have been great, because we lived in the Heeley Green area and used to walk there. Probably 3 or 4 miles they way we used to walk.


Love to see the picture StPetre!

Edited by trastrick
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It was something new for us kids. The parks had swings, but this place had it all. I can still remember the nausea from too much time on that roundabout with kids making it go faster.


It must have been great, because we lived in the Heeley Green area and used to walk there. Probably 3 or 4 miles they way we used to walk.


Love to see the picture StPetre!


If you can access 'Picture Sheffield', in the empty space type the ref number: u00351 and the picture called 'Crown Alley' should appear or in the box you can type the word Playgrounds and nearly every one that was in Sheffield will come up.

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If you can access 'Picture Sheffield', in the empty space type the ref number: u00351 and the picture called 'Crown Alley' should appear or in the box you can type the word Playgrounds and nearly every one that was in Sheffield will come up.


Thanks, I don't recall it was ever that busy.


They must have let the local schoolkids out for the photos. :)

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As WarPig said it's still there but not quite the character it had previously, the playground was on the left of this picture from the Bard Street end, which I think was previously High Street © Google Streetview ---------------- https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3828125,-1.4578005,3a,75y,257.88h,81.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sN8kF4hbH__teV6Gulexsrg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

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