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No Fracking Future?

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On the green energy front again: Would you back a grass fed Biogas plant as an alternative to Fracking. See below.



Nope. Food is for eating. Making electricity or vehicle fuel from food (or on land that would otherwise be used for food) is the stupidest idea ever conceived.

They actually clear rainforest in South America to supply Europe with biofuels and we're supposed to call them "green".

I tell you this CO2 obsession is destroying the Green movement and everything its supporters value.

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Nope. Food is for eating. Making electricity or vehicle fuel from food (or on land that would otherwise be used for food) is the stupidest idea ever conceived.

They actually clear rainforest in South America to supply Europe with biofuels and we're supposed to call them "green".

I tell you this CO2 obsession is destroying the Green movement and everything its supporters value.


Nothing wrong with bio fuel as long as the fuel is domestic waste, most of the stuff we throw away and all the garden waste can be used to make energy.

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Nothing wrong with bio fuel as long as the fuel is domestic waste, most of the stuff we throw away and all the garden waste can be used to make energy.


Well most of it is now coming from USA tree plantations. Shipped over on diesel power boats by the way.

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It sounds woefully inefficient then. You could way way more than that by only covering fraction of the land with solar panels for example.


To produce gas?


As a matter of interest, do you kn ow anything about the solar collectors and efficiency? I have old radiator type collectors in an offshot roof which help heat water in summer. I have been thinking of replacing them with the newer type but at 400 or so each plus installation costs it has top be really worth it. The boiler needs replacing too.


---------- Post added 21-11-2016 at 19:24 ----------


I think we should go totally nuclear then we wouldn't have to worry about our energy needs.


That's what I'm worried about. :D


---------- Post added 21-11-2016 at 19:30 ----------


On the human waste topic I believe the new sewage plant at Salmon Pastures is set up for that. About time too. There used to be lamp posts in Sheffield that burned off sewer gasses, but the one at the corner of London Road Harwood street and Alderson Rd has its glass smashed and doesn't work any more.

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Sheffield council do.


Depends what kind of house comes down and what goes up in its place.

Certainly the housing that came down and went up in the seventies was a big mistake, but the concrete ones that were demolished on The Manor estate were falling apart at the corners.

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