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Myoclonic jerks

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For a few weeks I have noticed that if I am resting or not moving, random parts of my body will jerk of their own accord. Mostly it is my legs that do this, it feels like when someone taps the area below your kneecap and you can't help your leg moving. I have no control over it.

It seems to happen only when I am tired or stressed.

Has anyone else experienced this, and did you consult your doctor?

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I've only experienced them when falling asleep, and not very often. This is a time when myoclonic jerks are expected so I've never consulted my doctor. As you have noticed this as a change in what is normal for you, I would definitely go to see your doctor, and sooner rather than later.

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I've never experienced it before, it could just be normal though (hopefully). I've had muscle twitching before, which seems normal, but this is a whole involuntary movement. If it keeps happening, I'll consult my GP.

I Googled it, and that's how I found the name out. But Googling medical conditions is never a good idea :(

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For a few weeks I have noticed that if I am resting or not moving, random parts of my body will jerk of their own accord. Mostly it is my legs that do this, it feels like when someone taps the area below your kneecap and you can't help your leg moving. I have no control over it.

It seems to happen only when I am tired or stressed.

Has anyone else experienced this, and did you consult your doctor?



Consult your Doctor not an internet forum. That would be my advice where your health is concerned.



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That's old advice. We don't listen to experts these days.



Do experts listen to us?


It's easy to say 'if in doubt go and see your doctor' (which is generally good advice,) but these days that's easier said than done with a wait of weeks before you can get an appointment.

And sometimes people just need reassurance. The doctor won't thank them for wasting his time.


They call us 'the worried well.'

Edited by Anna B
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Do experts listen to us?


It's easy to say 'if in doubt go and see your doctor' (which is generally good advice,) but these days that's easier said than done with a wait of weeks before you can get an appointment.

And sometimes people just need reassurance. The doctor won't thank them for wasting his time.


They call us 'the worried well.'



Off topic but,


Come and live in the sticks, same day appointment if you have something fairly serious, or you think you may have.



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