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Nigel Farage and Trump

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Obama tried to sway the way the UK electorate voted, Trump isn't trying to sway the way the UK electorate vote.


And Forage isn't responsible for what Trump tweets.


No but he was perfectly happy to criticise the Government's rebuttal of the contents of that tweet.


Farage failed to be voted in 7 times as a MP. He is a self serving loon whose own ego and attitude outweighs any credibility outside of the brain dead hillbilly republican crowd.


As if on this earth he is ever going to be in a position of diplomat. Insulting, vulgar, cowardly, ill informed and offensive. _ Yeah great attributes those for a negotiator and represenative of this country.


He is doing nothing for the benefit of anyone other than himself and his career. Quite frankly, I dont think the government response to him trying to pretend he is someone of state importance was firm enough. He is playing at being a minister of state and embarrassing the country in the process.


He is a nobody and deserves to be thrown back under the rock he crawled out from. If he smashed his skull on a few boulders along the way that would be more the better.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Both you and Farage are simply inventing a distinction between the two for ideological reasons in order to justify one being a 'loathsome creature' and the other being a job opportunity. Hypocrisy.


And I haven't even mentioned Farage and Trump being such great opponents of cronyism.


I think you are inventing hypocrisy where there is none for ideological reasons in order to justify your hatred of someone.


---------- Post added 22-11-2016 at 20:49 ----------


No but he was perfectly happy to criticise the Government's rebuttal of the contents of that tweet.


Farage failed to be voted in 7 times as a MP. He is a self serving loon whose own ego and attitude outweighs any credibility outside of the brain dead hillbilly republican crowd.


As if on this earth he is ever going to be in a position of diplomat. Insulting, vulgar, cowardly, ill informed and offensive. _ Yeah great attributes those for a negotiator and represenative of this country.


He is doing nothing for the benefit of anyone other than himself and his career. Quite frankly, I dont think the government response to him trying to pretend he is someone of state importance was firm enough. He is playing at being a minister of state and embarrassing the country in the process.


He is a nobody and deserves to be thrown back under the rock he crawled out from. If he smashed his skull on a few boulders along the way that would be more the better.


You are entitled to your opinion as am I.

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I think you are inventing hypocrisy where there is none for ideological reasons in order to justify your hatred of someone.


Hatred? What an odd place to go. I don't hate anybody. I do pity those who have poor understanding of the relationship between hypocrisy and principles.


If you can find evidence to suggest that I hate Farage then please present it.


Evidence of Farage's hypocrisy?


“I shall always be grateful, eternally grateful to Obama because he came to our country, he was rude to us, he told us what we should do and he led to a big Brexit bounce of several points,” the leading Brexit advocate said. “So thank you, Obama, for helping us to win this referendum.


“The moral of the story is I shan’t say at the end of this week who I think you should vote for, although I have to say, I wouldn’t vote for Hillary if you paid me. Her sense of entitlement kind of puts me off.”


Not attempting to influence a foreign election there is he?


Rationalise away!

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How often would a British Amabassador have to deal with an American President (not including rounds of golf which farage can do anyway)? Once a week? Once a month? Once every 3 months? When the crap hits the fan somewhere? How often would he (or she) have to deal with US diplomats and civil servants? Once a week? Once a month?


Being a good mate and being a diplomat representing our country are two completely diffrent things.


Then create a new post for Farage which uses his skills to best effect. Call him an ambassador for industry if you like, it doesn't really matter. The thing people (especially politicians and the establishment,) don't seem to have grasped is that Trump has ripped up the rulebook and is doing it his way, - which is exactly what we are going to have to do when we are out of the EU. Do it right and it could be the making of us, but there really is no harm in doing it differently. Let's try it.

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Then create a new post for Farage which uses his skills to best effect. Call him an ambassador for industry if you like, it doesn't really matter. The thing people (especially politicians and the establishment,) don't seem to have grasped is that Trump has ripped up the rulebook and is doing it his way, - which is exactly what we are going to have to do when we are out of the EU. Do it right and it could be the making of us, but there really is no harm in doing it differently. Let's try it.


Once again, what rationale are you employing to deal with Farage and Trump's hypocrisy?

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Then create a new post for Farage which uses his skills to best effect. Call him an ambassador for industry if you like, it doesn't really matter. The thing people (especially politicians and the establishment,) don't seem to have grasped is that Trump has ripped up the rulebook and is doing it his way, - which is exactly what we are going to have to do when we are out of the EU. Do it right and it could be the making of us, but there really is no harm in doing it differently. Let's try it.


As a fan of workers rights and fair wages do you want some right wing nut job looking after industry for our country? I get it. Establishment is BAD. But if it's a toss up between trump and Gary Barlow (he's rich and well connected too and managed to convince housewives everywhere (including one who stumped up,a cool £1m for them) that they aren't a washed up boy band but a serious act) I'd go with Barlow.


Trump is doing it his way. He's binned a few things he was definately definately going to do like his big beautiful wall and Obama care. In a week. He's not even sent out change of address cards yet. He might say he's going to rip up the rule book but he can't and more than that he won't. He'll use congress as a stooge. But, like Leicester city narrowly missing relegation, trump will be in for one term and one term only. That's it. In those four years the U.K. Will be going through huge change, heck we might not have Scotland by then let alone be in the EU. And you want our PM (be may or Corbin if you like) constantly checking what that clown is doing accross the pond?


No thank you. No thank you very much.

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