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Nigel Farage and Trump

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Up he pops again



seems hes trying to stay in the news to keep ukip in the news.


But he said the unwillingness of the UK government to use him as an intermediary with Mr Trump showed how "petty, small-minded and tribal" British politics was.


the thing is, to my mind, he has NOTHING at all to do with this government, hes in a completely different party who arent in power, he seems to have forgot this. just because hes besties with trump doesnt mean he has a god given right to a job in government all of a sudden?

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Up he pops again



seems hes trying to stay in the news to keep ukip in the news.




the thing is, to my mind, he has NOTHING at all to do with this government, hes in a completely different party who arent in power, he seems to have forgot this. just because hes besties with trump doesnt mean he has a god given right to a job in government all of a sudden?


Could not agree more.


Failed to become an MP numerous times. Losing his only active job as MEP in the European Parliament which we are now leaving. No longer the leader of the UKIP political party. Quite why and how this moron gets seemingy free and regular access to such high level people in the first place astounds me.


Who the hell is he?

Not in government. Not an MP. Not a leader of a party.


Doris on the till at Sainsburys has about as much credibility as frog face farage. In a way I do wish that he wangles some back office job in Trumpland so he can at least stay the hell out of this country. Unfortunately I suspect he will end up doing a Piers Morgan and never quite be ablitorated from uk society no matter how hard people try.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Could not agree more.


Failed to become an MP numerous times. Losing his only active job as MEP in the European Parliament which we are now leaving. No longer the leader of the UKIP political party. Quite why and how this moron gets seemingy free and regular access to such high level people in the first place astounds me.


Who the hell is he?

Not in government. Not an MP. Not a leader of a party.


Doris on the till at Sainsburys has about as much credibility as frog face farage. In a way I do wish that he wangles some back office job in Trumpland so he can at least stay the hell out of this country. Unfortunately I suspect he will end up doing a Piers Morgan and never quite be ablitorated from uk society no matter how hard people try.


:roll: You're just projecting here.


4 million people voted UKIP you know.

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which hes no longer in charge of, again so why should he be given a job by this tory government despite not being a tory either?


I don't think you have to be an MP for the governing party to represent Britain abroad in an official capacity, such as an ambassador for instance; look at Prince Andrew, wasn't he some sort of trade ambassador for Britain?

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:roll: You're just projecting here.


4 million people voted UKIP you know.


People forget UKIP got more votes and seats in the 2014 UK European elections than any other UK party. I wonder how many of those sore losers from the EU referendum result, bothered to vote for the pro EU parties in the 2014 European elections ? If more 'remoaners' had turned out, then there would never have been an EU referendum for them to moan about the result.

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