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Nigel Farage and Trump

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He's a successful politician who, in getting us out of Europe, achieved what many thought unlikely, almost impossible. He's far more in tune with working class British people than any other politician. He's a good ally of Donald Trump at a time when we should be looking towards the US for new trade deals and he's got more charisma and common sense than all the Labour and Tory MPs put together.


The government should grow up and do what's best for the country - give him a role!


So successful he couldn't get a job as an MP in a constituency of his choosing. Great job Nigel. He's got charisma, I'll grant you that but I want competence and stability, certainly when dealing with a nutcase like trump. And frankly he'll be more interested in being trumps bezzie mate than he will be representing the interests of the UK.

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The ambassador is a diplomat. If there's one thing that Farage isn't is diplomatic.


---------- Post added 22-11-2016 at 16:29 ----------


It sounds like you should be arguing that Hillary should be the next US president since she got more votes than Trump.


Its the US system so nothing to do with me, although I would like to change our system so that parliament better represents the electorate.

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Is he an MP? Elected for anything? I didn't think he was, but I don't really know.


Actually, either way, no. I don't personally want him representing us. Trump has enough of his own stupid ideas. Let's not encourage him.




I don't think it's requisite for an Ambassador to be an MP. He is an MEP after all.


As for Trump, if you ridicule him or not, he is now the most powerful man in the world, and we HAVE to work with him, that's a given. We need to do business with States as well, give his buddy Nigel a chance to work with him.



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So successful he couldn't get a job as an MP in a constituency of his choosing. Great job Nigel. He's got charisma, I'll grant you that but I want competence and stability, certainly when dealing with a nutcase like trump. And frankly he'll be more interested in being trumps bezzie mate than he will be representing the interests of the UK.


If Trump is such a nutcase then it must be better for someone that speaks his language to be the one talking to him, what experience does Sir Darroch have in dealing with nutcases. Are we sure that Sir Darroch isn't just going to annoy Trump.


---------- Post added 22-11-2016 at 15:43 ----------


I don't think it's requisite for an Ambassador to be an MP. He is an MEP after all.


As for Trump, if you ridicule him or not, he is now the most powerful man in the world, and we HAVE to work with him, that's a given. We need to do business with States as well, give his buddy Nigel a chance to work with him.




The Sir doing the job now as never been an MP or MEP so never elected by anyone to do anything, he does have a BSc in Zoology though so might be OK dealing with Trump.;)

Edited by Petminder
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Should the Conservatives swallow their pride and send Nigel to be our American Ambassador. It's an ideal job for him as he has Trump's confidence, where as most of the Conservatives were mocking Trump. As said by Nigel, they were laughing then, they are not laughing now.


Yes I am a UKip Brexiter.




I thought you Brexiters were totally opposed to elitism. Now tell me how Farage should get such a prodigious job because he is mates with Trump?

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I thought you Brexiters were totally opposed to elitism. Now tell me how Farage should get such a prodigious job because he is mates with Trump?



At least he has "work" experience, the same cannot be said of many of our present career MP's.


Thanks to Wikipedia for the following.

On leaving school in 1982, he decided not to go to university, but to work in the City, trading commodities at the London Metal Exchange. Initially, he joined the American commodity operation of brokerage firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, transferring to Crédit Lyonnais Rouse in 1986. He joined Refco in 1994, and Natexis Metals in 2003.



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At least he has "work" experience, the same cannot be said of many of our present career MP's.


Thanks to Wikipedia for the following.

On leaving school in 1982, he decided not to go to university, but to work in the City, trading commodities at the London Metal Exchange. Initially, he joined the American commodity operation of brokerage firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, transferring to Crédit Lyonnais Rouse in 1986. He joined Refco in 1994, and Natexis Metals in 2003.




Yeah, he sounds really working class. As working class as the old Tory he is.


And no I don't mean working class Tories like you and Penny. Not that I have a problem at all with working class Tories. What intrigues me is working class people that now hate Labour, would never dream of voting Tory (mostly because of the Iron Lady, rust in peace) but think UKIP are the bees knees when UKIP are, by Farage's own admission, Thatcherites. V odd.

Edited by Santo
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At least he has "work" experience, the same cannot be said of many of our present career MP's.


Thanks to Wikipedia for the following.

On leaving school in 1982, he decided not to go to university, but to work in the City, trading commodities at the London Metal Exchange. Initially, he joined the American commodity operation of brokerage firm Drexel Burnham Lambert, transferring to Crédit Lyonnais Rouse in 1986. He joined Refco in 1994, and Natexis Metals in 2003.




How do you think he got that job? Being the son of a City Trader?

Edited by Berberis
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