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Nigel Farage and Trump

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Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth....


Donald Trump has a rapport with Nigel Farage, admires him and wants to do business with him. Farage has said he would be happy to work with him and 'will work tirelessly for the benefit of Britain,' and I believe him.


Trump is a new kind of politician who wants to do things differently. So does Farage. Both are seasoned, canny businessmen. But I suspect that because Farage doesn't wear the right tie and belong to the right club he is thought to be not the right kind of person by the Grandees at Civil Servant Central. They would prefer to send another Sir Humphrey who can look down his insincere snobby nose at Trump, talk in a language Trump doesn't converse in, and laugh at him behind his back.


At a time like this, when we need all the influence and trade deals we can muster, do we really need another hidebound traditionalist, convinced in his own superiority screwing it up yet again and blaming Brexit, Labour, the weather for another crushing failure?


This is a genuine opportunity. The right man in the right place for once, and they want to pass it up... If Farage gets it wrong, OK, sack him. He wouldn't be the first.

Hook, line and sinker.


Given that, on the history of your SF posts, you're such a staunch anti-establishment, anti-cronyism, against the 1% etc. poster on SF, truly despairing.

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He is the worst ambassador possible for our county.


He's not into light hearted jokey stuff about foreigners like Johnson. With Farage there is IMO genuine malice in a lot of what he says and does. His whole modus operandi is based on creating hate and division. It's all dog whistles.


A very dangerous man.


He doesn't create division he listens to the people and gives them a voice, the hatred if fired at him not from him.

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The ambassador's main duty is to present British policies to the American government and people, so he wouldn't be there to present his policies, he would just be the voice of UK government presenting policies that our government want him to present, he has the ears of the president and a large percentage of the American people.

Do you really think Nigel Farage would properly represent UK government policies that he disagrees with? Remember the furore when Nigel, whilst leader of UKIP, advocated replacing the NHS with an insurance based system and there was much consternation by the rest of UKIP as they very publicly reminded him that that was against UKIP policy.

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Do you really think Nigel Farage would properly represent UK government policies that he disagrees with? Remember the furore when Nigel, whilst leader of UKIP, advocated replacing the NHS with an insurance based system and there was much consternation by the rest of UKIP as they very publicly reminded him that that was against UKIP policy.


Yes, plenty of politicians can represent policies the people want but they disagree with, and some can't as we have seen since the brexit vote, our PM is trying to implement a policy she disagrees with because she represents the people and not herself.

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Interesting suggestion in the I paper todaythat Trump was 'playing' the UK. Getting us to insist that the ambassador appointment is entirely a UK Government descision, so that we can't complain when he appoints someone we don't like as US ambassador.

I think Trump is 'playing' Farage. He his rewarding Farage for his help in the Presidential campaign without actually giving him anything, other than publicity.

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Hook, line and sinker.


Given that, on the history of your SF posts, you're such a staunch anti-establishment, anti-cronyism, against the 1% etc. poster on SF, truly despairing.


Tell me about it. All the political consistency of scrambled eggs.


---------- Post added 23-11-2016 at 11:35 ----------


I think Trump is 'playing' Farage. He his rewarding Farage for his help in the Presidential campaign without actually giving him anything, other than publicity.


Yup, could be.

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any one who supports Nigel ..Trump or le Pen et al is a racist or a quiet one...imho


And this is exactly why the left lost out in both the EU referendum and the US election. Ordinary people are fed up with people like you screaming "racist" at them and trying to shut down any opinion you disagree with. It's not racist to want a government to put its own people first and put a limit on immigration. Both Trump and Farage grasped that, the like of Clinton and Corbyn still haven't.

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And this is exactly why the left lost out in both the EU referendum and the US election. Ordinary people are fed up with people like you screaming "racist" at them and trying to shut down any opinion you disagree with. It's not racist to want a government to put its own people first and put a limit on immigration. Both Trump and Farage grasped that, the like of Clinton and Corbyn still haven't.


Its own people or its own white christian people first?

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