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Central library closure

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What do you mean by being different ?


People friendlier

People more modest

Less built up so feels less like a big city

Less money-orientated

Worse shops

Pace of life slower

More outdoors orientated

Smaller cultural offering (or cultural stuff more hidden)

Smaller city centre

You can get almost anything made by someone, somewhere

Cheaper housing

Worse architecture (thanks to the Luftwaffe)

Almost no suburban rail network for some reason

More of it is countryside


Those are off the top of my head. Some of those are negatives (to some/most people). But like any city, Sheffield is unique, and a lot of people like Sheffield for what it is, and if some of the 'negatives' weren't there, would it change Sheffield to the extent that it would stop being what it is?


Some people complain that Sheffield is behind the times. Others think that the world is generally becoming a worse place, so being behind the times is a good thing.

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People friendlier

People more modest

Less built up so feels less like a big city

Less money-orientated

Worse shops

Pace of life slower

More outdoors orientated

Smaller cultural offering (or cultural stuff more hidden)

Smaller city centre

You can get almost anything made by someone, somewhere

Cheaper housing

Worse architecture (thanks to the Luftwaffe)

Almost no suburban rail network for some reason

More of it is countryside


Those are off the top of my head. Some of those are negatives (to some/most people). But like any city, Sheffield is unique, and a lot of people like Sheffield for what it is, and if some of the 'negatives' weren't there, would it change Sheffield to the extent that it would stop being what it is?


Some people complain that Sheffield is behind the times. Others think that the world is generally becoming a worse place, so being behind the times is a good thing.


cant argue with much of that but surely you must agree we are lacking in many areas . The council keeps harping on about the new market (poor) , the upgrade on the moor (poor) , Starting the new retail quarter (offices)

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Sheffield is till a decent place to live- but lets face it, it could do with picking its act up in many ways!


The 'go and move to leeds/manchester' argument is daft - most people live here because they prefer it, which is why they don't want to see it slip and know it can do better as a City.


Sheffield seriously lacks in terms of arts and culture compared to other cities, and has a truly abysmal council that seem intent on dragging the city down, but those are things that (hopefully) will change......

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Front page of The Star today seems to be defending the £1bn China deal including the library site. Why do Sheffield council persist on signing these huge contracts when they are clearly out of their depth?


Yeah but, what's the alternative?


The council do nothing, and get criticised for that instead?

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That's the crap the council peddle: "It's this, or we do nothing"- in an attempt to make people feel we should be grateful for anything, even if it is a terrible deal.


It's obviously complete nonsense, and a tactic employed time and again.


The general meeting about the library closure (which was so popular they had to run it twice) had some extraordinary comments along those lines. "We should be really happy as a City that someone has come along and offered to buy this from us, and should really be thanking them" type of thing.


Of course those sorts of comments were met with hoots of derision and laughter, and questions were asked (and not answered) as to whether, if the library was indeed up for sale, they had advertised it as such in order to attract the best offer.


Of course they haven't done this, for some inexplicable reason, and the 'buyer' has basically said "I want to buy that building" and named his price.


Not one explanation has been offered as to why, if they did want to sell the library building, they haven't allowed a number of different people to make offers before deciding the best one.


Of course, most people can think of an explanation as to why they have done this.....

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