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surely its not an either/or between bad investment decisions and doing nothing?




That's the crap the council peddle: "It's this, or we do nothing"- in an attempt to make people feel we should be grateful for anything, even if it is a terrible deal.


It's obviously complete nonsense, and a tactic employed time and again.


just listen to yourselves, the pair of you.


You sound like Sheffield City Council are capable of making a good, long-term business decision that will benefit the people of sheffield.


But they can’t.


Here’s a few:


The Sheffield airport fiasco

The Amey contract

The incinerator / household waste and recycling contract


All these contracts were heavily skewed in favour of the supplier and both our Labour and Lib Dem councils had a hand in either negotiating, writing up, or signing the contracts.


So for Labour to blame the Lib Dem’s and vice versa is partisan politics of the worst order and is something I’d expect to see from the Yanks


Yes, we should demand more from our council, but we don’t. And we get the council we deserve.


Just cross your fingers and hope we aren’t left with a huge white elephant that we spend the next 20 years paying off.

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just listen to yourselves, the pair of you.


You sound like Sheffield City Council are capable of making a good, long-term business decision that will benefit the people of sheffield.


But they can’t.


Here’s a few:


The Sheffield airport fiasco

The Amey contract

The incinerator / household waste and recycling contract


All these contracts were heavily skewed in favour of the supplier and both our Labour and Lib Dem councils had a hand in either negotiating, writing up, or signing the contracts.


So for Labour to blame the Lib Dem’s and vice versa is partisan politics of the worst order and is something I’d expect to see from the Yanks


Yes, we should demand more from our council, but we don’t. And we get the council we deserve.


Just cross your fingers and hope we aren’t left with a huge white elephant that we spend the next 20 years paying off.


Haha- that did make me laugh! I suppose we are expecting the impossible- the council to run in a way that is anything less than a disgrace!


Briefly- what is the airport fiasco? I think I'm (maybe blissfully) unaware of that.....

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Sheffield is till a decent place to live- but lets face it, it could do with picking its act up in many ways!


The 'go and move to leeds/manchester' argument is daft - most people live here because they prefer it, which is why they don't want to see it slip and know it can do better as a City.


Sheffield seriously lacks in terms of arts and culture compared to other cities, and has a truly abysmal council that seem intent on dragging the city down, but those are things that (hopefully) will change......


I think in some ways Sheffield could do better as a city. You quoted the lack of arts & culture provision. Sheffield has bid for 'City of Culture' status, but lost out to other cities. Having said that, Liverpool was one example where, for many, the experience of being awarded City of Culture status left a sour taste in the mouth. As a city we have to make the best of what we've got - and we do have a great deal to offer.


Leeds and Manchester, which traditionally relied on the cotton and wool manufacture deindustrialised earlier, and very quickly picked up on the growth of financial services in the 1980s. Many companies, with the aid of sweeteners, relocated there. Given the close proximity of those cities to Sheffield, I don;t we could do the same with financial services, on the same scale.

Both McLaren and Boeing have recently announced massive investment in South Yorkshire, creating high skilled, value added jobs. Meadowhall is being expanded too, with new shops set to open; as well as the massive IKEA store.


I don't begrudge Leeds or Manchester their successes, but I'm glad that many Sheffieldiers don't want to merely emulate those cities to become 'clone towns'.

Edited by Mister M
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Briefly- what is the airport fiasco? I think I'm (maybe blissfully) unaware of that.....



oh well then please do yourself a favour and don't look into how a potentially viable airport serving Sheffield was run into the ground by purposeful mismanagement, creative billing and accountancy in order to claim that it was a non-viable business so that the owners -who tried their best bless em- could cash in on the contract to claim the land the airport stood on for a pound and then create yet another boring office business park on the runway.

I wouldn't do that if I were you. the revelations are a bit angering.

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Haha- that did make me laugh! I suppose we are expecting the impossible- the council to run in a way that is anything less than a disgrace!




Sometimes you just gotta laugh at their incompetence, else you'll just cry. . .


Briefly- what is the airport fiasco? I think I'm (maybe blissfully) unaware of that.....




Remember the airport out towards Attercliffe? Peel Holdings negotiated with Sheffield City Council to take over the running of the airport with the understanding that, if Peel Holdings couldn't make the airport a success, then Peel Holdings would buy the airport and business park surrounding it for a quid.


That's right, £1.


One hundred pennies.


So what did Peel Holdings do?


They suspiciously run the airport into the ground, and ended up purchasing £50 million of land for the aforementioned one hundred pennies.


Funny thing is, either Peel Holdings didn't even pay the £1. I can't remember if either they didn't pay the invoice, or Sheffield City Council didn't bother to raise an invoice in the first place, but they didn't pay it.


And funnier still, Sheffield's Greatest Vanity Project, Lord Bobar (aka Paul Scriven, Lib Dem leader at the time) recognised the injustice felt by the good people of Sheffield and promised that, if we voted the Lib Dums into power at the next local elections, he would hold an inquiry into the selling off of our airport for The £1 That Was Never Paid, provided we put the Lib Dums in charge.


Even funnier than that, once Lord Bobar was elected, he then decided there would be NO investigation into the giving away of Sheffield's £50 million airport and business park for free.


And finally (if you still haven't fainted through shock) it turns out that after a little investigating of the backstory, that the Lib Dems were just as responsible for the selling off when they were previously in charge of the city the time before that. . .


Still, Lord Bobar got his peerage. And that's the moral of this story.


Sorry, that expalnation wasn't as brief as I expected, was it?


There's a lot more information elsewhere on this forum related to the swindle, I really suggest you search the forum for it. It's quite an eyeopener

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Sometimes you just gotta laugh at their incompetence, else you'll just cry. . .






Remember the airport out towards Attercliffe? Peel Holdings negotiated with Sheffield City Council to take over the running of the airport with the understanding that, if Peel Holdings couldn't make the airport a success, then Peel Holdings would buy the airport and business park surrounding it for a quid.


That's right, £1.


One hundred pennies.


So what did Peel Holdings do?


They suspiciously run the airport into the ground, and ended up purchasing £50 million of land for the aforementioned one hundred pennies.


Funny thing is, either Peel Holdings didn't even pay the £1. I can't remember if either they didn't pay the invoice, or Sheffield City Council didn't bother to raise an invoice in the first place, but they didn't pay it.


And funnier still, Sheffield's Greatest Vanity Project, Lord Bobar (aka Paul Scriven, Lib Dem leader at the time) recognised the injustice felt by the good people of Sheffield and promised that, if we voted the Lib Dums into power at the next local elections, he would hold an inquiry into the selling off of our airport for The £1 That Was Never Paid, provided we put the Lib Dums in charge.


Even funnier than that, once Lord Bobar was elected, he then decided there would be NO investigation into the giving away of Sheffield's £50 million airport and business park for free.


And finally (if you still haven't fainted through shock) it turns out that after a little investigating of the backstory, that the Lib Dems were just as responsible for the selling off when they were previously in charge of the city the time before that. . .


Still, Lord Bobar got his peerage. And that's the moral of this story.


Sorry, that expalnation wasn't as brief as I expected, was it?


There's a lot more information elsewhere on this forum related to the swindle, I really suggest you search the forum for it. It's quite an eyeopener


Good grief. Not sure my blood pressure can take this. I'm astonished (and ashamed of myself) that I didn't know about this.....

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