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White "ghosting" around all screen characters.


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Now that I've finally managed to get my pc working I find that every character in most words has a white shadow of the word but displaced slightly and white. This makes it difficult to read. I've tried to adjust the brightness and contrast in case this was the problem and also the controls in the "make your screen easier to read" window. Nothing worked. I tried altering the size of the focus box and the thickness of the print but so far I haven't solved the problem. Reversing the colour makes everything sharp but videos are then in reverse. What's going on? Any ideas or advice, anyone? Does it sound like the display card is faulty?

Edited by woolyhead
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Are you using a TV as a monitor by any chance? If you are then try reducing the 'sharpness' setting on the TV menus.


Also check that you have set the PC resolution to the same resolution as the monitor/TV.


Make sure overscan is turned off, make sure you have selected the correct aspect ratio.


Make sure the cable connecting the computer to the TV or monitor is attached firmly at both ends.

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Clear type font don't work on a non LCD type monitor so it is worth turning it off if you are using an old fashion monitor / TV.


In rare cases, some LCD monitors and/or graphic card don't display their RGB in that order, i.e. it is displayed in BGR order which cause clear type to incorrectly work as intended. I would expect there is an option to correct this without the need to turn off clear type. You should try this first.


If you are not running the screen at the monitor native resolution, it'll alpha blend pixels (blur) in order to compensate for the different in resolution. Clear type won't work effectively once it does this. Set the screen resolution to match the monitor native resolution would solve this.


Be aware that it is possible that your problem is caused by both the above.


If all else fails, turn off clear type. Your font will become readable when you do this but it'll look pixelated and won't look as good at lower resolutions compared to a correctly configured true type setting.

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No andysm I'm using the same monitor I use quite successfully with another pc. I checked the cable and its fine. Monitor resolution checks itself and recommends what it's set to. I couldn't find overscan or aspect ration on the pc. Ghozer I turned off clear type but that didn't help. John, I couldn't find an option to alter the RGB order. I haven't tried to run with a different resolution to the recommended one yet but now I will do so. Many years ago I saw reflections from a mismatched cable termination causing similar effects to those I have here. Does anyone think perhaps.it could be something like this causing white ghosting? I've copied a bit from Ghozer's post to show you what my ghosting looks like. Here it is (hopefully). It may not come through as ghosting. Let's see.





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Joined: Nov 2005


find "clear type" fonts, and turn it off!


Life is a tool, use it wisely and properly. Don't break it, because you can't exchange it if you do.

Life is an instrument, it needs regular cleaning, maintenance and tuning to keep it at its best.

Fear, is not knowing. Terror, is finding out.


Now, 10 mins later, I've tried reducing the resolution from the recommended 1440 x 900 to various other values but nothing helped the display.

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Is this using a VGA/D-SUB connector on a different PC to what you normally use?


As some graphics cards have crap analog output and will produce the effect described.


Overdrive on the monitor also does so, but it seems unlikely to be the problem if its fine on another PC.

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MoZaLaN sounds like a good idea. Whole areas of pictures look as if they are soaking wet. It's as if they reflect light excessively. I wondered whether this is some sort of overload. Apelike, it's windows 7. I hear what you're saying spider1. He has already helped me. Steroc, I've used this cable with no problem on another pc but I'll bear what you say in mind. AlexAtkin and everyone else, there's something I haven't told you before because I'd hoped there might be a cure for the problem. But when I bought the pc the VGA/D-SUB only attached by a single screw pillar. The second one was missing. The man in the shop said it would be ok like that so I took his word for it. I reckon the plug may have moved in its socket while I adjusted cables on my desk and shorted to the earthed fence that surrounds it. If it did this then presumably that would account for my problem? Does it sound like a possibility? What sort of damage would it do? Is there screen driver software that could have been damaged or would it be more likely to be hardware? I'm typing this post on this same pc so you can see that it still works. Did the cut and paste sample of lettering that I sent show the ghosted letters at your end?

Edited by woolyhead
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