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Showing ID to get medical treatment

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I would think one you in the system checks are not needed, it is more like people just walking in to hospitals, it already works, when did you last go to the dentist with out flashing the plastic.

Dentistry isn't free at the point of treatment for the majority of people in this country so it's not a good comparison.

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Dentistry isn't free at the point of treatment for the majority of people in this country so it's not a good comparison.



of course it is, if they can decide the level of charge, free, standard or private, then the infrastructure can not be non- profitable

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Yes when it is not an emergency.


I've had non emergency treatment, they don't do anything without a referral from your GP, and you have to be registered at your GP of course.


For emergency treatment they still take your name and address, they look you up on the computer at reception at the NGH, although I've had stitches elsewhere when they obviously didn't have my medical records on the local system.


---------- Post added 23-11-2016 at 13:11 ----------


of course it is, if they can decide the level of charge, free, standard or private, then the infrastructure can not be non- profitable


Dentistry has that mechanism in place already though. Hence it's not a good comparison.

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Would a person get non-emergency medical treatment with al the medical history. Identity should be done way before they reach the hospital.

I agree with the principle, if they dont pay UK taxes, no automatic free NHS.


I agree with your last sentence. If they don't pay UK taxes, no automatic free NHS.


I can think of quite a few chavs that live near me who have never worked a day in their lives, and have no intention of doing so. As they've never paid UK taxes.....

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Just another way of trying to introduce an ID scheme by the back boor especially as the NHS is still a good topic. In any case my NI number is my ID and unless someone is a new patient then the NHS will hold records of past visits be it a doctor or hospital.

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It's a good idea, and with abit of thought could be implemented fairly easily and/or be a fast and slick operation.


but seeing as the NHS is having to do it you can be sure they'll find a way to make it overly long and massively expensive, probably by outsourcing the entire thing.

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I've had non emergency treatment, they don't do anything without a referral from your GP, and you have to be registered at your GP of course.


For emergency treatment they still take your name and address, they look you up on the computer at reception at the NGH, although I've had stitches elsewhere when they obviously didn't have my medical records on the local system.


---------- Post added 23-11-2016 at 13:11 ----------



Dentistry has that mechanism in place already though. Hence it's not a good comparison.


good starting point then it is


---------- Post added 23-11-2016 at 13:24 ----------


I agree with your last sentence. If they don't pay UK taxes, no automatic free NHS.


I can think of quite a few chavs that live near me who have never worked a day in their lives, and have no intention of doing so. As they've never paid UK taxes.....


it not about who and who have not paid tax


---------- Post added 23-11-2016 at 13:32 ----------


on a similar note but off topic the UK government started charging trucks to use British roads, like what British trucks have had to do for years abroad. It was thought to be too complicated but since 2014 £44 million has gone to the treasury 2014 to 2015. So it can be done

Edited by phil752
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It's a good idea, and with abit of thought could be implemented fairly easily and/or be a fast and slick operation.


but seeing as the NHS is having to do it you can be sure they'll find a way to make it overly long and massively expensive, probably by outsourcing the entire thing.


You expect them to do it in house? Do you really think that that's the best use of their time and appropriate to their skills?


---------- Post added 23-11-2016 at 14:07 ----------


I agree with your last sentence. If they don't pay UK taxes, no automatic free NHS.


So no NHS for children or many pensioners then. Good one.

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Can you name any country that does that? And how do you suggest we check it? :roll:


A lot of UK holiday companies now ask you to tick a disclaimer that you have insurance. Granted you could tick and not have it.


In answer to your question about checking, its the first thing they do abroad when you need treatment, even in the EU. Spain and Bulgaria are two examples where they check insurance before you get treatment. If its expensive you can even be left on the trolley awaiting an emergency operation but you won't go to theatre until the insurance company has agreed to pay the bill.

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