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Terrorist killings

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I don't agree fully.


The problem with this is that is assumes that all extremists are likely to be mentally ill (or mentally ill people are more likely to be extremists). I doubt either is true.


I don't think you can stop someone doing something so random as this. It's just hindsight brigade talk.


no i didnt say ALL of them are mentally ill, i said theres various reasons why somebody becomes brainwashed, radicalised. did you see some of the stories about the backgrounds of some of those that went to fight in syria? a lot of young impressionable kids, NOT blood thirsty savages from the day they were born. they were looking for something in life and ended up sadly being groomed.

I think people have missed the jist of this thread, its NOT about treating them after theyve killed, its about trying to stop people killing in the first place.

Over the past decade or so less people are being diagnosed and treated with mental illnesses away from the community. care in the community?

so more people are getting left undiagnosed / treated, its these people i should imagine which could get groomed and radicalised by these groups easier?

My missuses nephew is a case in point, he has "issues" he's flew off the handle and on at least one occasion smashed up her mums house, hes living with her currently. my kids had to wait outside so they didnt get traumatised. he's seen "experts" and despite us knowing he has mental health issues, and doing things which shows he does (aggressive manner, manic talking, obsessions etc) the "experts" wont treat him they say theres nothing wrong with him Oo

Its people like these that are the easiest targets for right wing and islamic extremists. if more people were diagnosed and treated surely thered be maybe less extremists? even if its a handful its better than not?

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