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The Normalisation of Deviance

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First of, I wasn't demanding you answer pronto, you can answer when you like. There is a tendency for people to stop answering when their only option is to admit the fallacies in their thinking. I'm glad you've come back.


I'll put it simply as I can.


You will only accept that racism/xenophobia is a problem if you witness it with your own eyes.


You have not witnessed Islamic terrorism with your own eyes, but you accept that it is a problem.


Double standard.



I am not assuming I know your thoughts, I am drawing a conclusion from your words.


Mike, you really are skewing this one, my point, seeing as your struggling to understand it, is that I do not believe it to be as big an issue as those people who are exaggerating about it at every opportunity. Islamic extremism is not comparable with a few stupid people being offensive or telling foreigners to go home ....... get real fella jeeez !

Now your double standards are clear because you think it's ok to compare completely different things and give them some sort of parity.

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Mike, you really are skewing this one, my point, seeing as your struggling to understand it, is that I do not believe it to be as big an issue as those people who are exaggerating about it at every opportunity. Islamic extremism is not comparable with a few stupid people being offensive or telling foreigners to go home ....... get real fella jeeez !

Now your double standards are clear because you think it's ok to compare completely different things and give them some sort of parity.


You are now suggesting that racism/xenophobia has never been a problem. Just a few stupid people. Truly astonishing. Claiming you look at things logically and then making that statement suggests you have no idea whatsoever what logic is or how logic works. What you are using is demonstrably not logic.


Start here -


Logic (from the Greek "logos", which has a variety of meanings including word, thought, idea, argument, account, reason or principle) is the study of reasoning, or the study of the principles and criteria of valid inference and demonstration. It attempts to distinguish good reasoning from bad reasoning.





Have you even considered that there may be racism you do not know about?

Edited by mikem8634
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You are now suggesting that racism/xenophobia has never been a problem. Just a few stupid people. Truly astonishing. Claiming you look at things logically and then making that statement suggests you have no idea whatsoever what logic is or how logic works. What you are using is demonstrably not logic.


Start here -


Logic (from the Greek "logos", which has a variety of meanings including word, thought, idea, argument, account, reason or principle) is the study of reasoning, or the study of the principles and criteria of valid inference and demonstration. It attempts to distinguish good reasoning from bad reasoning.




Logic is not your strong point fella, clearly ...... what is the difference between calling people offensive names and chopping peoples heads off, shooting them on beaches, blowing people up etc .... and are they the same crime to you ?

Oh and point out where I have said anything has 'never' been a problem, your skewing things again, I wonder why ?

Exaggeration tactics eh ;)

Edited by Michael_W
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Logic is not your strong point fella, clearly ...... what is the difference between calling people offensive names and chopping peoples heads off, shooting them on beaches, blowing people up etc .... and are they the same crime to you ?


False equivalence - look it up, it's a term from logical philosophy, you know, that thing that you do all the time and I'm apparently not very good at.


The severity of the action does not equate to prevalence of the problem.


Most significantly, how do you know there have been beheadings? Have you witnessed one?

Edited by mikem8634
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False equivalence - look it up, it's a term from logical philosophy, you know, that thing that you do all the time and I'm apparently not very good at.


The severity of the action does not equate to prevalence of the problem.



So your answer is that calling names is as bad as killing innocent people ...... cobblers, put that in your bleeding philosophy manual !

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So your answer is that calling names is as bad as killing innocent people ...... cobblers, put that in your bleeding philosophy manual !


No its not. But I think you already know that.


Have you witnessed a beheading by Islamic extremists?



You're in a corner, you know you're in a corner. How long do I have to hold this mirror up to you before you acknowledge it? Or are you just going leave, claiming you've wasted enough time or something like that?

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Irrelevant, stop trying to be a smart arse mike, you already know that !


You know the point I am making.


You believe the media when it shows you things you want to believe and call it hype when it shows you things you don't want to believe.


It is there, laid bare for everyone to see, yet you still refuse to admit it.

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No its not. But I think you already know that.


Have you witnessed a beheading by Islamic extremists?



You're in a corner, you know you're in a corner. How long do I have to hold this mirror up to you before you acknowledge it? Or are you just going leave, claiming you've wasted enough time or something like that?


Stop getting giddy pal it's pathetic and childish, I don't mind wasting time occasionally but I do have a life, not so sure about you though :D

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