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Tony Blair Making a Comeback??

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Reading the paper, watching the telly news and looking at social media sites, it seems the alleged war criminal Tony Blair is dipping his toe into the political waters.


Should we welcome this man back into some political role, or simply tell him to get lost.


My opinion would be, get lost, bugger off and count your millions for a job.



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Reading the paper, watching the telly news and looking at social media sites, it seems the alleged war criminal Tony Blair is dipping his toe into the political waters.


Should we welcome this man back into some political role, or simply tell him to get lost.


My opinion would be, get lost, bugger off and count your millions for a job.




I think TB was a good prime minister, better by far than any we`ve had since. And I do not think he was a war criminal, not by any stretch of the imagination. I think it`s very unfortunate some people use such a term abut to him because it debases the word.


Saddam Hussein was an evil SOAB, I remember Farzad Bazoft......

Edited by Justin Smith
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I think TB was a good prime minister, better by far than any we`ve had since. And I do not think he was a war criminal, not by any stretch of the imagination. I think it`s very unfortunate some people use such a term abut to him because it debases the word.


Saddam Hussein was an evil SOAB, I remember Farzad Bazoft......


Saddam Hussein may have been everything you say but two wrongs do not make a right. The Sheffield made tubes that the firm made for export to Iraq were notified to the Goverment's department of trade as the firms technicians did not believe they were for oil as was claimed but for a giant gun barrel, one that could be used to aim a rocket. The government said it was ok to send them and that the contract should not be cancelled. There was an opportunity to do something about Sadam Hussein when his army was repelled from his invasion of Kuwait. They backed off instead of pushing on when it was easy to get through the poor sods who he put on the front line. He could have been taken easily because he was unprepared for the retaliation. there would have been no need for the carnage that the Americans inflicted on the poor people of Iraq with their SHOCK and AWE. All they were interested in was the oil they could get at afterwards. the Weapons of Mass Destruction did not exist we were told time and time again that there was no evidence. They killed the scientist who kept saying it and faked a suicide badly. At the time I thought Blair had been taken in by the blurb spread by the American but not now. I think he was in collusion, and if there is not a public outcry at the thought of him coming back after The Iraq Inquiry he will sneak back in with the right wing of the Labour Party. Not in My Name Tony Blair. This country does not need you. Put that into your annonomised secret information gathering. Britain's record in the Middle East is abysmal.

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