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Fidel Castro dies

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i dont know how many of you have been to Cuba, i have, True the Cubans was poor but i did not see ANY starving people on the street or any were els for that matter, like we do in the weston world,

Also i do agree that some Cubans took risk to get to Florida BUT Castro sent alot more there because he did not want them in Cuba.

The reason Cuba was so poor was the crippling sanctions the us put on Cuba, The reason being Castro kicked out the us for trying to make Cuba the biggest Brothel in the Caribbean.


Also, how many people does "America" murder every year although China is the capital in that field.

And if i was the boss of the UK they would be allot of people here i would like to see the back of.

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i dont know how many of you have been to Cuba, i have, True the Cubans was poor but i did not see ANY starving people on the street or any were els for that matter, like we do in the weston world,

Also i do agree that some Cubans took risk to get to Florida BUT Castro sent alot more there because he did not want them in Cuba.

The reason Cuba was so poor was the crippling sanctions the us put on Cuba, The reason being Castro kicked out the us for trying to make Cuba the biggest Brothel in the Caribbean.


Also, how many people does "America" murder every year although China is the capital in that field.

And if i was the boss of the UK they would be allot of people here i would like to see the back of.



I genuinely do not understand how people get into this frame of mind.

You'll believe and support absolutely anything to justify support for socialism.



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I watch the car programme Cuban Chrome and the ingenuity and back yard engineering they use to keep them running is amazing.Even getting some oil is a challenge for them.


This is a good programme about cars in Cuba. It has Clarkson in it, but it was when he wasn't such a tool:


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I genuinely do not understand how people get into this frame of mind.

You'll believe and support absolutely anything to justify support for socialism.




Ah you don't like the truth then.

All i have written is the truth, if you can argue against it you have an open forum to do so. But please only talk about what you know of first hand, and not the American and other propaganda.

and just for your information i never have or never will support any Castro's.


As far as believing and supporting, just what are you talking about.

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Ah you don't like the truth then.

All i have written is the truth, if you can argue against it you have an open forum to do so. But please only talk about what you know of first hand, and not the American and other propaganda.

and just for your information i never have or never will support any Castro's.


As far as believing and supporting, just what are you talking about.


Ah yes the "truth". Discard professional journalism, evidence and reason and just find some random untestable anti-American propaganda on the internet and believe that instead. You enjoy your "truth" now whilst the rest of us get back to reality.

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Ah yes the "truth". Discard professional journalism, evidence and reason and just find some random untestable anti-American propaganda on the internet and believe that instead. You enjoy your "truth" now whilst the rest of us get back to reality.


i dont know how many of you have been to Cuba, i have, True the Cubans was poor but i did not see ANY starving people on the street or any were els for that matter, like we do in the weston world,

Also i do agree that some Cubans took risk to get to Florida BUT Castro sent alot more there because he did not want them in Cuba.

The reason Cuba was so poor was the crippling sanctions the us put on Cuba, The reason being Castro kicked out the us for trying to make Cuba the biggest Brothel in the Caribbean.


Also, how many people does "America" murder every year although China is the capital in that field.

And if i was the boss of the UK they would be allot of people here i would like to see the back of.


my bold

Either you dont believe me or, you dont read very well, which is it

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Anecdotal evidence, even first hand from an honest source, is not to be trusted over hard data.


can you elaborate on the above post please, There is no Anecdotal evidence whatsoever in any of my post's on this thread.

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can you elaborate on the above post please, There is no Anecdotal evidence whatsoever in any of my post's on this thread.


You went to Cuba and you didn't see any starving people. That's an anecdote.

Why didn't you see any starving people. Are they fed and housed, kept away from tourists, locked up, murdered, or missing for some other reason.

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You went to Cuba and you didn't see any starving people. That's an anecdote.

Why didn't you see any starving people. Are they fed and housed, kept away from tourists, locked up, murdered, or missing for some other reason.


My Bold


Are they fed and housed = to the best of my knowledge yes


kept away from tourists = to the best of my knowledge no


locked up, murdered, or missing for some other reason = dont be ridicules.

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