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University building - a fake economy?

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It seems that the bulk of new buildings going up in Sheffield are either being built by universities or for university students to live in. This is not so surprising given that universities can now charge £9000 per year in fees, and now that accommodation costs are funded almost entirely by borrowing, removing some of the incentive to keep costs down since it's all on the never-never.


What concerns me about this is that there is a big shortfall between what the government expected to collect in repayments of student loans and what they are actually getting back. This is not helped by Britain's low wage economy which seems destined to keep many below the threshold for paying the loans back.


So it looks like another bubble that will burst a few years down the line, with the only winners being the owners of the accommodation blocks.

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speaking as a left-wing dinosaur (one of the nicer comments people have made about me) I always thought New Labour imposed a student tax to keep high-achievers from poor backgrounds out of University.


After all, Tony Bliar doesn't want your kids getting that nice, well-paid job ahead of his own privileged spawn, does he?

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speaking as a left-wing dinosaur (one of the nicer comments people have made about me) I always thought New Labour imposed a student tax to keep high-achievers from poor backgrounds out of University.


After all, Tony Bliar doesn't want your kids getting that nice, well-paid job ahead of his own privileged spawn, does he?


Same thoughts here, but I could see several years ago that this was a road to nowhere unless you were training in new technology or engineering neither of which unfortunately is my area. Still there should be plenty of opportunities for growing the sunshine crops once we are out.

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The majority of funding from students in Sheffield arrives in the form of foreign students. Pull the plug on immigration, pull the plug on those students. For years the Universities UK body has been explaining that a large number of 'immigrants' are in fact students.

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Sheffield Uni is currently shedding staff and student numbers are falling. Part of it is due to the uncertainties over Brexit but it's also due to counting it's chickens and expanding exponentially only to realise that bubbles......burst.

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