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Taking action against a hospital

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Do you know where he's going for his tests yet? If you've had the referral but are waiting for an appointment, try ringing them and asking (nicely!!) to be notified of possible for cancellations or short noticed appointments.


The wife did this when she was told it was around 6 weeks, /so far no cancellations but she kept trying. During this time my son got worse to the point he was admitted last friday, they took some bloods and sent him home saturday still in pain despite neither morphine nor tramadol easing the pain. Ive been told he has now being readmitted and as yet the only thing they have don e is take more bloods. Oh they did give him a paracetamol though :loopy:

The wife says hes getting worse, shes frantic, and the nurses dont give a toss. Neither do the doctors, i mean they cant give a toss, he has been in severe pain for over a month now. The wife has now said she is NOT leaving the hospital until they find out whats wrong and treat it.


Someone mentioned trying the NGH. We did this last week but apparently they dont talk to rotherham hospital so dont know what they did so they sent him home with instructions to see the GP. We did this and thats how we got to where we are now.


Thanks for the replies everyone. Its much appreciated.

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skip out patients. ring an ambulance.



Is he dying. Has his head fallen off. Is he gushing blood. What the hell does he need an ambulance for.


The OP has already said this has been going on for weeks. What is the emergency exactly? Why does he get priority over someone else whom a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL deems is more urgent.


Yes he is in severe pain. Yes that is clearly distressing and upsettng for all involved, but perhaps, just perhaps there is simply nothing further they can do right now.


From what I read I would strongly argue that the hospital and doctors do "give a toss". In fact they have taken many steps in this 7 week period. There has been GP attendances and referrals, he has been admitted for previous overnight admission, they have already done some tests and provided medication, He has returned for further examination and had alternative medication provided. Now we have arrangements for more testing which will take place in due course.


All well and good people mouthing off saying "not leaving hospital until they find out what's wrong and treat it" but this is the real world. It doesn't work like that. They dont wave a magic wand and make people better. Diagnosis and treatment can take time.


I am not unsympathetic that he is clearly in pain at home but what on earth would lying in a hospital bed in pain do to improve the situation. This is a hospital bed which some other patient with more pressing need will be denied.


If the OP really wants these tests NOW as they said, they can go privately and get them. Until then, the NHS is as it is, the doctors are doing what their skills and experience tell them to do on the patient, and they are just going to have to make the situation best as possible and await the further proposed diagnostics and treatment.


He has not been denied treatment. He has not been misdiagnosed. He has not been negligently treated. What exactly is the legal action the OP seeks here.


Clearly there is no idea as to the test that needs to be established to prove negligence nor the hurdles to be overcome. Bottom line is, would another doctor faced with the same symptoms do anything different to that which has already been done? Perhaps they need to find out about that.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Have to agree with eccoonoob on this one.


In this situation it is the GP and the Drs who have seen him at A&E who a ones in the superior position. You can ask them if there is a delay or why they have chosen to take the actions they have, to better understand what they are looking for. If they say they cnat do anything without the test results, but dont feel they are an emergency then you can decide to pay for them yourself and ask if that would help. If not you will need to wait in line along with everyone else.


I might try and get a second opinion or look it up myself, but mostly I would have to wait if it were me and trust the Drs to do the job they were trained for. If things deteriorated I would be straight back to A&E.

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Ive been told he has now being readmitted and as yet the only thing they have don e is take more bloods. Oh they did give him a paracetamol though :loopy:

The wife says hes getting worse, shes frantic, and the nurses dont give a toss. Neither do the doctors, i mean they cant give a toss, he has been in severe pain for over a month now. The wife has now said she is NOT leaving the hospital until they find out whats wrong and treat it.


Someone mentioned trying the NGH. We did this last week but apparently they dont talk to rotherham hospital so dont know what they did so they sent him home with instructions to see the GP. We did this and thats how we got to where we are now.


Thanks for the replies everyone. Its much appreciated.



if I read it correctly the son has been readmitted to hospital.

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