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Taking action against a hospital

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You make a good point, but you miss something far worse. Many, many people fail to contribute more to society than they take out. Did you know that the millions of people in this country who earn below about 30k a year are actually net detractors from society (in a financial sense)?


It is these people that are the problem. I am a net contributor so it is not me that causes public services to be underfunded. In fact, it is solely because of people like me (and you) that these public services exist at all.


So, please don't bite the hand that feeds the people.


I know what you're saying, but I look at it differently.


I have a well paying job and pay a huge portion of my monthly salary in taxes, so we probably come from the same place. But while you view those under-30k earners as financial detractors, I see many of them as propping up society, just not with pounds and pence. They are raising kids, taking care of ill relatives, and working in low paying jobs that benefit us. We pay lower prices for our cappuccinos and our dry cleaning and our care homes because of their low pay. They do this work with fewer material advantages than you and I have. If my taxes help pay for their medical care, I don't have a problem with that. I just wish they would tax me enough so HappyDad and the others could get the care you and I can afford privately.

Edited by Dozer
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I know what you're saying, but I look at it differently.


I have a well paying job and pay a huge portion of my monthly salary in taxes, so we probably come from the same place. But while you view those under-30k earners as financial detractors, I see many of them as propping up society, just not with pounds and pence. They are raising kids, taking care of ill relatives, and working in low paying jobs that benefit us. We pay lower prices for our cappuccinos and our dry cleaning and our care homes. They do this work with fewer material advantages than you and I have. If my taxes help pay for their medical care, I don't have a problem with that. I just wish they would tax me enough so HappyDad and the others could get the care you and I can afford privately.


Exactly - unfortunately some posters have opening admitted to pay significantly less tax than they should by lying about their income on tax forms. They should be thoroughly ashamed.

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I don't want to be having a pop at hospital staff because I know how under staffed/resourced they are, but unless you're on absolute death's door or your leg is hanging off or something you might as well not bother with A&E, unless you're up for about a 6 or 7 hour wait.

it was Saturday night in A&E we sat from 11pm to 01-30am, just 3 of us in the waiting room and nobody called through so when the charge nurse came through I asked her why the long wait "We're pulled out with 'blues & twos'.

The waiting area is adjacent to where the ambulances pulled up, there hadn't been a single ambulance in that time.

A person came out twice from the examination section to the drinks machine, the third time he came out I asked about it being pulled out through there. They're just standing round, talking and drinking tea and coffee, nobody else has come in all the time we've been there.

I went and complained to the charge nurse who took us straight through and yes they were stood there just talking with cups in hands, we were told my wife needed x-rays but we'd have to wait as they had to get the radiographer out of bed. So naturally we complained and said that they were lucky that we didn't take it further.

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Update but before I do thank you to eveyone who has posted and I will make a point of answering you all individually today at some point.


We are pushing for a move to NGH. Apparently we have something called the patient constitution we can use to get my boy treated where we like

So we will be

Re the Surgeon who my boy is under. He is a bloody liar!!

He told my lads mum a bare faced and easily provable lie right to her face and rather stupidly in front of another staff member who confirmed the lie today.

This lie is the final straw and any confidence we had in him and Rotherham hospital has now gone.


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 14:02 ----------


Very sorry to hear of your sons illness and problems with the Hospital.

From your emails this seems to have been ongoing for the last 7 weeks.

I am amazed nothing has been resolved in this time, has he previous medical problems and history preventing them acting ?

I would be distraught as you are if I were in a similar situation.

All my many experiences with Hospitals have been good and I have found them to be thorough and caring.

My eldest grandson has had two successful major heart operations and most of my family experiences with hospitals has been good.

You must keep pressure your GP. for a solution.

I wish your son the best in regaining his health.



Hi. Thanks for your kind words.

No he has no medical problems as a rule so really nothing preventing the hospital with diagnosing his condition

At this time no diagnosis has been made and the meds are not controlling the pain. He now cannot swallow so he is unable to take meds in tablet form.

I am getting more and more worried about the state of things.

We just want our boy back

Thank you for your post :)


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 14:04 ----------


Happy Daddy,


Take him immediately to another hospital. You are allowed to do that. Get him admitted (A+E ). Don't leave until he's admitted. You may have to wait. He doesn't have to be referred by a G.P. It sounds like he's in a serious condition and you will be justified in taking him to the A+E of another hospital.


I sincerely wish that things work out for you both.


N.B. You can initiate a complaint against Rotherham after you've gotten the right treatment for you son.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I want to do this

Unfortunatly he is on a drip and has a tube up his nose and into his stomach so there would be no way we can discharge him and take him ourselves

Thank you for you comments though

Its appreciated :)


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 14:05 ----------


I'm mystified having tried to read carefully all this thread.


No diagnosis, surgery planned but deemed unnecessary, endless unidentified tests and no description of the 'thinking' of the doctors: is it urinary, heart, bowel, blood, liver, nerve, lung, brain ...... no indication provided whatsoever.


The hospital is the best place for anyone who is showing serious symptoms and NGH is excellent.


Sorry. I dont get your point with this post

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I know what you're saying, but I look at it differently.


I have a well paying job and pay a huge portion of my monthly salary in taxes, so we probably come from the same place. But while you view those under-30k earners as financial detractors, I see many of them as propping up society, just not with pounds and pence. They are raising kids, taking care of ill relatives, and working in low paying jobs that benefit us. We pay lower prices for our cappuccinos and our dry cleaning and our care homes because of their low pay. They do this work with fewer material advantages than you and I have. If my taxes help pay for their medical care, I don't have a problem with that. I just wish they would tax me enough so HappyDad and the others could get the care you and I can afford privately.


What a lovely post. I echo your sentiments Dozer and wish for the same for all who need the NHS.

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I don't have any helpful knowledge of the local hospitals, just wanted to send you, your son, and your family good wishes. Hope your son gets the treatment he needs, and soon.


Thank you for that :)


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 14:07 ----------


Have those tests happened yet happy daddy? If not, find out how much it would cost to get them done privately.


Some have and we are waiting on others.

Sadly some buffoon spoiled some of his tests by exposing them to light so they have to be run again


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 14:08 ----------


Not everyone can afford to go private. Unfortunately there are some people in this country who illegally fiddle their tax forms so that they pay much less tax than they should.


Whilst this might mean that they can then personally afford private healthcare with the thousands of pounds they are saving, it leads to our public services being underfunded. People who then have no choice but to use them are then in some cases left with a sub-standard service.


I cant afford it but ill be seeing if the bank can extend my overdraft and offer a loan so cross your fingers for me


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 14:09 ----------


it was Saturday night in A&E we sat from 11pm to 01-30am, just 3 of us in the waiting room and nobody called through so when the charge nurse came through I asked her why the long wait "We're pulled out with 'blues & twos'.

The waiting area is adjacent to where the ambulances pulled up, there hadn't been a single ambulance in that time.

A person came out twice from the examination section to the drinks machine, the third time he came out I asked about it being pulled out through there. They're just standing round, talking and drinking tea and coffee, nobody else has come in all the time we've been there.

I went and complained to the charge nurse who took us straight through and yes they were stood there just talking with cups in hands, we were told my wife needed x-rays but we'd have to wait as they had to get the radiographer out of bed. So naturally we complained and said that they were lucky that we didn't take it further.

Sorry to hear this. Well done for keeping cool. Ill be honest that would have ground my gears if it were me.

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Happy Daddy.


Just a quick one. It looks like you are making progress. I'm off to Western Park in a minute to support my partner-so I have some experience in dealing with hospital . I don't want to burden you with useless suggestion. But the following may help. You can always make an appointment to speak to the hospital Registrar about your son's case. If not satisfied you can go to the Clinical Directory. Make your appointments verbally and through email (that's a record of your attempts at consultation.).

If you do want to move him it's done through the hospital management and Clinical Diector..They have to organise the move and transport. You might get an argument-but it can be done. That's the advantage of the modern day NHS.

If I can help in anyway. Please PM me. I have friends who have a lot of experience in getting the right care from the NHS.

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Thank you for that :)


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 14:07 ----------



Some have and we are waiting on others.

Sadly some buffoon spoiled some of his tests by exposing them to light so they have to be run again


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 14:08 ----------



I cant afford it but ill be seeing if the bank can extend my overdraft and offer a loan so cross your fingers for me


---------- Post added 10-01-2017 at 14:09 ----------


Sorry to hear this. Well done for keeping cool. Ill be honest that would have ground my gears if it were me.


Have you thought about GoFundMe? You might be able to raise some money to help with private tests if that's the route you need to go to get things moving:



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