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Taking action against a hospital

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Hi everyone. I will respond to each post individually however before i can do that (later this evening) I wanted to post an update

He is now in the NGH...Phew!

He got there yesterday and had a settled night. His meds have been altered and the new ones seem to be helping a little, his drip is out, the tube in his stomach is out

He may still be in hospital for a while, hopefully not but if he needs to be then at least he is somewhere his mum and me have more faith in.

The NGH have decided to re do all his tests as they have doubts of he results so they want to double check. This is encouraging and hopefully the docs at the Northern can tie down whats wrong quick smart.

As I say I will answer everyones posts individually but for now I wanted to update you all and also say a huge thanks to all who have posted and everyone who has messaged me about this. Its been a big help and I have got someuseful info which helped out at the hospital.

As with the thread, Ill be replying to all the messages this evening

Thank you all once again

From one Very Happy Daddy :)

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You make a good point, but you miss something far worse. Many, many people fail to contribute more to society than they take out. Did you know that the millions of people in this country who earn below about 30k a year are actually net detractors from society (in a financial sense)?


It is these people that are the problem. I am a net contributor so it is not me that causes public services to be underfunded. In fact, it is solely because of people like me (and you) that these public services exist at all.


So, please don't bite the hand that feeds the people.


I hope you're just trolling for a laugh and don't seriously think in this way.

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It has taken a lot for me to comment as I was sure that this was going down the route of legal action against the NHS which I cannot condone.However I am not sure if my comments are worth anything to you H.D.


Over the past several years ( earliest 2002) and most recent 2012 I have had a lot of dealings with RDGH,and I don`t feel explaining what I and my brothers went through will help.

But a word to the good which is intended to help.

Their favourite word is PROTOCOL.If this used used too frequently smell a rat and question them.

If they say something you are not too sure about ,question them again and again till you are happy ,and if you are not happy escalate it up line.

If they do something that is against the norm, do not accept their explanation.

If you can,and I am under no illusion that you can.Get your lad to the Royal Hallamshire and do not hesitate any longer ,get him up there ASAP.The Norther General is fine ,but in my opinion the Hallamshire does it for me.I doubt that you will want to know my dealings with Rotherham just PM.If not the best of luck to you and yours.


Thank you for sharing. I can tell that was not easy.

Protocol. Yes, they used that word quite a lot so a big thanks for the heads up. Thankfully he is now in the NGH and he is showing signs of improvement. Not much but the signs are there. The nurses cant do enough for him and he feels really settled and looked after. He says he feels safer too so its all good or at least getting there

Thank you again, I hope your dealings with Rotherham are behind you now



---------- Post added 16-01-2017 at 11:15 ----------


My heart was in my mouth as I read this. Hope you can get him someplace where you have confidence.


Once again, best of health to your son, and soon.


Thank you. I appreciate the kind words. :)


---------- Post added 16-01-2017 at 11:16 ----------


Get him in northern asap. hope youre both feeling better.


He is in now. Thank you for that :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 16-01-2017 at 11:18 ----------


I guess the poster is worried about NHS budgets been wasted on legal bods - which I understand but it gives incompetence, dangerous incompetence at that a free pass and chance to continue. But in this case it's hard not to think of a reason why the OP shouldn't start legal action - it's a mess.


We Will be making a formal complaint but I cant see us suing.

I dare say people on occasion have a good cause to sue but we just want the people who let our boy down dealing with.

Thanks for your post mate :)


---------- Post added 16-01-2017 at 11:20 ----------


By the sounds of the thread I don't get the impression Happy Daddy is interested in suing the hospital, just wants someone to help his son, like anyone in his situation. I've had the absolute opposite experience at Rotherham and was treated excellently, but regardless, if you aren't getting the care you feel you should be and have no trust in the clinicians then it's definitely worth escalating this ASAP to get him moved.


Have you considered talking to your MP? They are often very good at helping out in areas like this as they can pull strings and put pressure on when needed. That's partly what we pay them to do, to help sort out issues we can't on our own.


Spot on.

Thankfully no need to contact my MP as he has now been moved.

He likes the Northern a lot more but is a bit miffed he cant get Wifi

Bloody kids eh :hihi:


---------- Post added 16-01-2017 at 11:21 ----------


Appalling that this has happened happydaddy, keep at them and at them about the move.

You need your lad in a place you have confidence in.

Really hope he gets well soon mate

Take care x


Thank you Lyndix

Thats really nice of you to say :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 16-01-2017 at 11:22 ----------


glad he got transferred, a fresh set of doctors may have experience that may help :)


Cheers fella. Yep a fresh set of eyes will hopefully yield results. :)

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