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Can you help find my dad?


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Hi all my name is Paul and I've been trying to find my dad for some time. It's been playing on my mind for ever am 30now and just want to see him even if he don't want to see me because he has his own family. The only contact I had was with my nan his mum but she's past and my grandad not his dad just can not help me so he says.


This is the little info I know about him and is life his name is Shan pinder white 6tf skinny buld his mum was called rosemary pinder and his sister Lisa shes In a wheelchair and can have a mouth on her just like me lol rosemary and Lisa used to live in Stannington Sheffield near the bus gate


I would like to say If am luck and you do know him but don't want to help for any reason please can you tell him I just want my dad in my life I've never really known why he left me if it was between him and my mum that's fine but I would like see him even if it's to say good by


Thanks for taking the time to read this ?

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Paul, my mother left my dad as soon as I was born (I must have been about 4 months old), last year I found an address for him in Ireland and sent him a letter, bearing in mind I am 23 now, and I wrote him 2 pages about my life, my interests etc. and I literally got a piece of scrap paper back telling me he has his own life now and wants nothing to do with me, never expected it myself because my grandparents showed me a letter he sent when my mother left him and he was saying how heartbroken and hurt he was. I'm not trying to put a downer on your situation but wanted to share how my experience went.

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