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Envy or jealousy

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Clearly resentful? This is getting a bit odd, how do you know what I'm feeling? I just want everyone to have a decent home, enough heating, clean water, the ability to feed and clothe themselves and their kids and the means to enjoy themselves from time to time. How is that resentful?


How much should be taken from person A and given to person B?


How much should be taken from you and given to someone else?

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Why should someone who has gone out and worked for money have to give it to someone who sits on their backside doing nowt ?


There are plenty of people who work very hard and long hours to look after themselves and their families and have very little, if any, left over for things that lots of people take for granted (holidays, treats for their kids etc.) Empathy is a word that a lot of posters on here don't know the meaning of.

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There are plenty of people who work very hard and long hours to look after themselves and their families and have very little, if any, left over for things that lots of people take for granted (holidays, treats for their kids etc.) Empathy is a word that a lot of posters on here don't know the meaning of.


If hard work really was the key to success then Britain would be run by Nigerians with three cleaning jobs. Instead it's run by people who went to the right schools.

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If hard work really was the key to success then Britain would be run by Nigerians with three cleaning jobs. Instead it's run by people who went to the right schools.


It's always someone elses fault isn't it... thats the way the loony left seem to think.....

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