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Tim Farron - the next truely great Prime Minister?

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I couldn't consider voting for anyone who thinks he has a personal relationship with Jesus.


I think it drives his core values in the right direction but I'm sure many will share those sentiments which is why I think his appeal will be somewhat limited. I have an inkling his voting record on subjects like homeopathy would be heavily publicised if he ever became a real threat to power. He'll steady the ship well but I'm under no illusions that he'll make it to PM.

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Even if I was not seriously cross with Farron for trying to overturn the Brexit referendum...

Overt Atheism was one of the main reasons for supporting Clegg and by extension the Lib Dems. Farron on the other hand gives the impression that if given a choice between religious doctrine and secular reason he won't always choose the latter. That pretty much rules him out for me.

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When you are the Leader of a Party who will never ever be the Government, it's easy to spout rubbish like Farron does, because you will never be brought to account for it. He comes over as a little runt, a bottom feeder, a nobody really, I have no time for him as he is trying to reverse the will of the people over our vote to leave the corrupt institution that is the EU. He is against democracy, and needs voting out of office at the earliest opportunity.



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Not for now, but in another 10 years time when the oldies are no longer with us and the younger people have the vote.


Everytime he is on Question Time on the BBC he gets an unbelievable response everytime he answers a question


Ok, so I accept at this moment in time he wouldn't be able to become prime minister as he doesn't appeal to enough people.


But give it a few years I think he could get the Lib Dems in power and become Prime Minister. he certainly knows how to communicate with viewers on Question time


I wont be voting for him in 10 years time,ive had enough of liberalism and globalisation and it appears that i am not alone in the western world in thinking this way.

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I wont be voting for him in 10 years time,ive had enough of liberalism and globalisation and it appears that i am not alone in the western world in thinking this way.


Great, I have heard it all now. Blame Tim Farron and the Liberal Democrats for our current mess. Surely that should be put at the door of the Tories, or Labour if you want to go back 6+ years.

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Great, I have heard it all now. Blame Tim Farron and the Liberal Democrats for our current mess. Surely that should be put at the door of the Tories, or Labour if you want to go back 6+ years.

They were all pretty much the same anyhow centre,centre left,centre right,we need something a bit different now.Going in to coalition with the tories killed the Lib Dems off.

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They were all pretty much the same anyhow centre,centre left,centre right,we need something a bit different now.Going in to coalition with the tories killed the Lib Dems off.


I think that you will find that they are the only party gaining council by-elections.

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