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Tim Farron - the next truely great Prime Minister?

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Why has a thread about Tim Farron turned into globalisation and Brexit (again)?


People who have been adversely affected by globalisation (or blame globalisation for their problems) are looking for somebody who stands out as different, to vote for in the hope that they can get back to a time when things were better for them.

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Why has a thread about Tim Farron turned into globalisation and Brexit (again)?


Didn't you know that all that is wrong in the world can be traced back to Brexit? If Tim Fallon is never to become PM then it must be Brexit's fault. Brexit is a right <removed>.

Edited by nikki-red
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Why has a thread about Tim Farron turned into globalisation and Brexit (again)?


Because there's nothing much to say about Tim Farron, when the only two things we know about him are that he's the leader of a minority political party and he wants to keep having the EU referendum vote over and over again until he gets the result he wants.

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Globalisation usually means globalisation of trade. You buy things from and sell things to the whole world (optimally without prejudice). Localisation means you trade exclusively or preferentially with those nearby (the implication being within the same nation, but would also apply to within the same internal market).


Many thanks.

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Oh really? I'm calling <removed> on that. Average wage on the Port Talbot steelworks, £30,000. Average wage in the distribution warehouses nearby, £14-15,000.

Globalisation makes everybody richer? Why do we have a gig economy, no job security, worse working conditions and massively increased inequality in society, if globalisation is making everybody richer?


Sorry missed this before. Steelworking is skilled so it pays better. Thing is that it's no longer economical to make a lot of our own steel when you can get it cheaper elsewhere.

Now there's plenty of other skilled work around, but obviously you can't walk out of a job in the steelworks and into one as a software developer.

Median incomes are up. There are losers and I'm sorry about that, but there are more winners. We should do more to help the "losers" to join the winners, but we should not make everybody a loser in the name of reducing inequality.

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Not for now, but in another 10 years time when the oldies are no longer with us and the younger people have the vote.


Everytime he is on Question Time on the BBC he gets an unbelievable response everytime he answers a question


That's interesting. I will watch it on iPlayer. Thanks for the info!

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Not for now, but in another 10 years time when the oldies are no longer with us and the younger people have the vote.


Everytime he is on Question Time on the BBC he gets an unbelievable response everytime he answers a question


Ok, so I accept at this moment in time he wouldn't be able to become prime minister as he doesn't appeal to enough people.


But give it a few years I think he could get the Lib Dems in power and become Prime Minister. he certainly knows how to communicate with viewers on Question time

.........so the oldies are holding the youngies back from the liberals gaining power and running the country?

It's daft theories like this that will keep the liberals from ever gaining ultimate power.Timothy was interviewed on TV this morning and twice tarred the present government as the "Brexit government",Just remember that Cameron and May voted to remain but now have to serve the will of the people and now have to formulate a plan for our future!......only idiots expected a plan in place the day after the referendum

Timothy is opportunistically trying gather votes on the back of unhappy remain camp voters, but his bombastic outbursts will fool few

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Ironically, the Lib Dems decided to base the Richmond Park by-election on Brexit!


¿ The voters were clearly confused as they thought they were voting in a Brexit referendum and not for a representative in parliament. Surely this invalidates the result and the election should be re-run. ¿

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