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Back pain

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Hello, I'm currently suffering with pretty bad lower back pain, brought on by my job I think, amongst other things, life, age etc.  This is the third time this has happened now since December which was the first time.  I ended up in a&e the other day because it was so bad I didn't know what to do for the best.  They sent me to their GP services who gave me anti inflammatories, cocodamols and told me the muscles were in spasm.  This is the worst I've been, I can barely walk, it's very scary as last night I managed to get in bed and did sleep for a bit until I woke needing the loo.  I was even stiffer the pain was so intense I was sick from the pain.  I'm booked in for a deep tissue massage but not while Tuesday next week.  I have had chiropractic treatments which seemed to be working but now I've got to start all over again.  What I want to know is is it normal to be in such pain for a pulled muscle.  I'm just scared cos the chiropractor said I had a tilted pelvis where my hip is higher on my right side and my spine was sorted of bending over to the right in a weird shape.  Mentioned this to GP but he wasn't interested.  How do I get a scan to see what's actually happening?  

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I've suffered from back pain most of my life, tried massage, heat treatments,  creams etc but the best thing that worked for me was developing my own stretching exercises,  done them for 30 years now, . I don't get back ache as often, so I guess it works for me, but not necessarily for others

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Sorry to hear of all the pain you are in Jilly-that`s difficult.

It is a bit disconcerting when your  GP does not seem interested in what you have mentioned. They could have at least referred you on to someone for further investigation based on what you mentioned about your pelvis/hip. Can you get back to the surgery and try to see a different GP?


 I guess docs see a lot of patients with back issues but all need investigating properly. With the pain it sounds like you could do with seeing a specialist as soon as you can get in. If the Co-Codamol don`t work -and I`m assuming you are on the 30/500 strength, can you get something stronger to help like Tramadol?




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It's 8/500 strength, with naproxen, I'm going to try docs again today, the GP that wasn't interested was NGH GP services, he did tell me to contact my own doctor should I need any more help which is what I shall do, could do with muscle relaxants or something 

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Chiropractors will always tell you you've got a tilted or twisted something.  Most people do - we're not all symmetrical, and life in general will contribute to that!

Did the chiropractor suggest any treatment?

Out of hours GP have limited information about people, your own GP will probably know more about you and be able to suggest more help.

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