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Is what I'm seeing actually there..Or 'there'?

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Alcoblog, more please, I just LOVE your posts. I know I should get out more.


Sorry ... no can do. Next doors cat's just eaten my Wi-Fi signal. I'm sat in the kitchen at the moment force feeding it liquorice-tipped sardines in the hope that it'll cough it back up in a fur-ball. It worked with my Xbox.

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I've got a new pair of glasses, which I now use for driving...They're great, and make things a lot clearer. I don't think I've got 'bad' eyes, they just help a bit.


Anyway, I was idly sitting in my car waiting to pick up the OH and happened to peer over the top of my glasses at a nearby building, and the image seemed to 'shift' by several feet (CM for those who don't know old money). Then I lifted my head (and looked through the lenses again) and the image shifted back.


So what's the true position of the building?...Or anything else for that matter.


I'm slightly confused :confused:


(And before anyone says, yes I know I'm easily confused)


I get this on my 'new' glasses, they also have a coating which gives everything a slight green-blue hue compared to no glasses... and filters out certain blue/purple colours too!! :(


it's where the edges of the lenses curve slightly, bending the light - like how the magnifying (concave) mirrors work...


I can identify 2 horizontal 'lines' on my glasses where this happens as I nod, if I fixate my gaze on one object, things stretch and shrink or 'bounce'...


can emulate a similar thing by getting a straight glass (pint of 1/2 pint) and holding it horizontal, look THROUGH the glass at something, and keep looking at it, and move the glass up and down a bit, or rotate it (rolling motion) as you're looking through it..>


you will see the object(s) on the other side warp/shrink/grow etc - just the way the glass alters the light...

Edited by Ghozer
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The kitchen table theory does it really exist, if I saw of the leg what will happen does it fall over because I expect it to fall over or because it becomes unbalanced.

and from the perspective of nuclear science there is no such thing as a solid object just collections of molecules made up of smaller atoms, neutrons, etc which are constantly moving. Its just that we humans move a lot more slowly so percieve things as being static and solid.


If my memory serves, old Bertie wasn't saying it didn't exist, he was querying what exists, since no-one sees the exact same object. You might say "a table", he would say "which table?".

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Blimey, I had no idea this would 'morph' into a debate about whether things were imaginary or real.


Personally I believe every single person has a somewhat different perspective of the world we live in, be it real or subjective. An example (for me) is that I'm colour blind. Doesn't mean I don't see colours. It's just that my view on the world is a bit different to someone else's.

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Blimey, I had no idea this would 'morph' into a debate about whether things were imaginary or real.


Personally I believe every single person has a somewhat different perspective of the world we live in, be it real or subjective. An example (for me) is that I'm colour blind. Doesn't mean I don't see colours. It's just that my view on the world is a bit different to someone else's.


But you do get the same information to the eyes as someone without such blindness.... Then there are those very rare people with four colour receptors and they can see more colours than anyone else....


You could look at someone with astigmatism - is that circle that you see an ellipse as they see? Theres lots of interesting variations on this game :)

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