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Car towed away whilst on holiday

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What on Earth do you think this thread is?


What was the debacle on Rustlings road about?


But no ones complained so there problems Im sorry I cant hear you my fingers are in my ears but theres no problems.

This thread is a few people on SF having a moan. It doesn't quite cut it for me as a public outcry.

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So the person who runs the compound where the vehicles are stored is going to be qualified to judge whether some one should have a penalty appeal upheld? And the driver will always have acceptable evidence to prove they've been away available when they come to collect?


This system has been in place for the past four years. There hasn't been any public outcry, has there? If it isn't broke, why fix it?


Once again you want to talk about an impracticality based upon your assumption that things work well, rather than understand that there are ways of making it work better.


Nobody said that the decision would rest with a 'compound attendant' ... except you.


I don't dispute that the majority of cars towed away are probably those who were in contravention of signs put up with adequate warning. Let them pay.


What is not acceptable is that persons that have a car towed without reasonable notice or wrongdoing on their part should end up out of pocket or worse.

Edited by cgksheff
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This thread is a few people on SF having a moan. It doesn't quite cut it for me as a public outcry.


Well there you go everyone - that's the contempt that SCC have for you it seems.


I'm so glad I got out of that utter hole those years ago - it's not changed and seemingly never will. What was it someone used to say - Sheffield "not fit for motor vehicles".


Things never change.

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Once again you want to talk about an impracticality based upon your assumption that things work well, rather than understand that there are ways of making it work better.


Nobody said that the decision would rest with a 'compound attendant' ... except you.


I don't dispute that the majority of cars towed away are probably those who were in contravention of signs put up with adequate warning. Let them pay.


What is not acceptable is that persons that have a car towed without reasonable notice or wrongdoing on their part should end up out of pocket or worse.

And once again. No-one has come up with a practical alternative that works.

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And once again. No-one has come up with a practical alternative that works.


Yes they have. But you have your fingers in your ears refusing to listen.


You give sufficient notice. That's ALL you need to do. It's not tricky. It's not rocket science - it's simple project management.


As for it only being a few people complaining you seen this?




And of course you have had more people in this thread complaining about it as well where you've replied.




and you still think it's only a few?



Edited by Obelix
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What on Earth do you think this thread is?


Because it is typical of a public forum :loopy: nit pic & nit pic slightest thing..........don't do anything but put it on a forum that will get the best result :huh: People with too much time on their hands but complain about being held up :shocked:


I have had many problems that I have read about on here but I took action and sorted it myself. Google is brilliant and if people used Google instead of a forum then half the posts would be non existent and this forum could be used to discuss things as first intended.


Problems here (ok some may qualify) problems there....where to buy :huh: How much is it to? :huh: What time :huh: Best time............


Rant over, will increase medication :love:


Now I will sit back, rock and suck thumb waiting for the nit pic of the post. First at a guess will be "What is a forum for". Damn...gave a clue there :D

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Because it is typical of a public forum :loopy: nit pic & nit pic slightest thing..........don't do anything but put it on a forum that will get the best result


In case you hadn't noticed I did do something and LCC now behave somewhat sensibly.


SCC is for people who live in Sheffield to sort out. I'd commend them to put a match to it next election time and torch the useless dead wood out of it.

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In case you hadn't noticed I did do something and LCC now behave somewhat sensibly.


SCC is for people who live in Sheffield to sort out. I'd commend them to put a match to it next election time and torch the useless dead wood out of it.


Changing a third of the councillors at the next election will do absolutely nothing, you are aware they aren't the ones who sit there and put together the work schedule, aren't you?

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